7 Main Problems of Modern Distance Learning

7 Main Problems of Modern Distance Learning

The introduction of any innovation is accompanied by a number of difficulties. Despite the fact that distance education has existed for quite a long time, it began to be actively used only in the last five years. Moreover, some countries have encountered a new way of learning literally due to an urgent need (pandemic).

Let’s talk about problems students, teachers, and the education system as a whole are facing.

7 main problems of distance learning

Despite the convenience and comfort of mastering the curriculum with the help of Internet technologies, still experts highlight significant problems arising in the new segment. But fortunately, you have a reliable helper in the form of student services, which will not leave you at the mercy of fate. A cheap college paper writing service will help to solve the main problems and difficulties of the transition to distance learning without great losses. But back to the problems…

#1. Poor equipment of educational institutions and students

Despite the development of scientific and technological progress in a number of countries, regions still lack high-speed Internet. This fact greatly complicates the educational process. Students have to look for opportunities to connect to the network, using trips to neighbors, relatives, visiting special Internet cafes (but during the quarantine period it was impossible), mobile Internet with low speed, etc.

An equally important problem was faced by families raising several children of school and/or college age. Each of them has their own schedule, their own deadlines for assignments. So each child needs a separate (own) computer, laptop, or gadget. It is even more difficult if parents also work remotely – no one removes their responsibilities and duties from them, the workday is not canceled. Because of low incomes, families cannot afford this luxury, which affects children’s academic performance.

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#2. Not all professions can be learned and practiced remotely

This difficulty is associated mainly with the activities of specialized educational institutions – colleges and universities. Despite the mass transfer of students to the new “direction” of training, not all areas are possible to master in this way.

In particular, professions that require practical skills cannot be learned online. Such areas include medicine, construction, etc. People’s lives depend on the quality of medical and construction services. How does a surgeon learn how to operate, diagnose and treat online? After all, it is impossible to perform an operation over the Internet when you are in one corner of the world and the patient is in another!

It follows that not all spheres of activity can be transferred to the online mode. Sometimes it is simply impossible and unacceptable to replace live communication with virtual.

#3. Lack of live communication, opportunity to compare yourself with others

The lack of live communication can have a negative impact on the psychoemotional state of the student, his ability to adapt to the new environment, to new responsibilities, etc.

Everyone knows that during group classes children compare their achievements with the achievements of their classmates/groupmates. Thus they get additional motivation to succeed. With virtual learning this opportunity is absent.

#4. It’s hard to get a child interested in a new topic, material, or subject

According to statistics, only a third of students like to read books, lectures, and other materials. Because of the lack of interest in learning materials, students have a hard time absorbing new information and do not want to explore and remember it.

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In face-to-face instruction, the presentation of material can play a leading role. More than 50% of success in the program depends on the creativity and experience of the teacher. If the educator is able to engage the audience, it is easier for students to perceive and absorb the material.

Unfortunately, electronic lectures and boring books do not interest students enough. If a student is having trouble finding suitable material for a research paper, he can turn to companies that provide write my essay for me cheap services. Specialists will help with the selection of appropriate information to get a high grade.

#5. Difficulties in assessing wards’ performance

With distance learning, the cheating rate can increase dramatically. In fact, the teacher does not see how the child is doing, whether he does all the tasks himself or with someone else’s help (a parent, ready-made solutions, etc.). Therefore, difficulties may arise with the evaluation of homework and the overall rating of students.

If the teacher has already studied the abilities and capabilities of the mentee well enough, then disputable situations can’t be ruled out. The child did the exercise himself, but the teacher suspected him of cheating. In this case, only online lessons with a survey of homework can help.

#6. Low motivation and lack of responsibility, poor control over the learning process

If a student does not understand the role of learning in his life, its necessity, and expediency, he may abandon lessons, which leads to dire consequences.

Moreover, parents cannot sit at home all the time and control every action of the child. They have to work to provide for the family, pay for the Internet services, etc. Therefore, it is important that the child be properly and competently motivated, have qualities such as self-discipline and responsibility.

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If a student needs help checking written work, special services will come to the rescue. The Essay Writer Today company will help with proofreading to get the text to perfection.

#7. Distance learning can have a negative impact on the health of students

Unfortunately, the impact of gadgets on children and adults is still a lot of controversies. Some scientists say that modern means of communication can seriously irradiate the body, affect concentration, eyesight, provoke a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity as a consequence.

Others point out that it is necessary to skillfully combine distance capabilities and an active lifestyle. Then the harm from using the Internet and gadgets will be minimal or absent at all.

According to statistics, after distance learning, more than a third of students went to medical centers with complaints about poor health: headaches, decreased visual acuity, problems with the back (spine), etc.

Tommy Vercetti

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