Andres Garcia and Roberto Palazuelos: This was the reconciliation of the actors | TV series | Mexico | MX nnda nnlt | Chica

Andres Garcia and Roberto Palazuelos: This was the reconciliation of the actors |  TV series |  Mexico |  MX nnda nnlt |  Chica

a few months ago, He announced how his assets would be distributed, and among the heirs was Roberto Palazuelos. For some, it may come as a surprise that “Black Diamonds” aren’t part of their family, but the truth is that the actors are great friends.

However, a whole controversy arose and many asserted that the businessman had manipulated the actor to keep all of his assets. These rumors were little by little causing tension in the friendship s Roberto Palazuelos who ended up distancing themselves after a statement from “Al Masa” about the value of the actor’s property.

The comments did not go well with Garcia, who asserted, according to his style, that Palazuelos had been given to boast more; Also, he denied having a very small property.

Without any fear, the first representative said that hotels in Roberto Palazuelos It’s made of ‘stick’ and he has become ‘vag’, so he told him to be very careful with his words.

Reconciliation between Andrés Garcoa and Roberto Palazuelos

The distance between Andres Garcia and Roberto Palazuelos became clear, because the businessman always visited the actor and was aware of him despite the pandemic.

However, during the actor’s 80th birthday party, some photos were published in which Roberto Palazuelos gave a kiss to Andres Garcia on his birthday.

Andres Garcia and Roberto Palazuelos have reconciled (Image: DPM)

in conversation with“, Roberto Palazuelos He admitted that he had already settled his differences with Andres Garcia, stressing that he did not take his statements personally.

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In addition, “El Diamante Negro” reiterated all his respect and admiration for the famous actor with whom he had an excellent relationship despite the strong exchange of letters between them.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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