Lula da Silva stressed to Maduro the importance of broad international monitoring of the presidential elections in Venezuela

Lula da Silva stressed to Maduro the importance of broad international monitoring of the presidential elections in Venezuela
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva spoke on Wednesday with his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/File)

brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da SilvaHe spoke this Wednesday with the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas Madurowho reaffirmed his support for the Barbados Agreements and stressed The “importance” of broad international monitoring In the elections that will be held in that country on July 28.

the The Brazilian presidency reported that conversation in an official memorandum, In it, Lula also expressed his “expectation for the possibility of lifting the sanctions imposed on Venezuela, in order to contribute to moving the electoral process forward in a climate of trust and understanding.”

He also reaffirmed Brazil's support for the Barbados Agreements, the foundations of which were laid last year Free and transparent elections, however Which was violated by the Maduro regime, which aspires to be re-elected in the next elections.

Although Lula stressed the need for widespread international observers to participate in the July elections, Brazil's Supreme Electoral Court announced this week that… We will not send any mission to Venezuela.

The Electoral College did not explain the reasons for the decision or clarify whether it would participate in a possible mission for the BRICS forum it established Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africawhich represented the Tokyo Stock Exchange at the invitation of Venezuela.

The Brazilian presidency reported a phone conversation between Lula and Maduro (AP/FILE)

last week, Colombia also announced that it would not send any mission. Well, as the consultant explained, Luis Gilberto MurilloThere will be no “time” to “structure” it with the technical characteristics required by the Venezuelan authorities.

Likewise, Venezuela's National Electoral Council last week withdrew its invitation to the National Electoral Council European Union (The European Union) sends observers, after the bloc ratified the sanctions against members of the regime and the ruling party.

Presidents of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, and Colombia, gustavo pietro, Both of them from the progressive movement expressed their “concern” about the obstacles imposed on registering opposition candidates for these elections.

In both cases, they were met with a harsh response from the Venezuelan regime, although the matter appeared to have been resolved by registering the former diplomat's presidential candidacy. edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, Standard bearer of the main opposition coalition.

The presidential elections in Venezuela are still without international monitoring to ensure the transparency of the process (EFE/ARCHIVE)

For his part, the opposition member stressed on Tuesday that there are three keys to the opposition’s eventual victory in the presidential elections, including high citizen participation.

He added: “To restore (…) institutionalism, we must win the elections. We will do this through three keys: the first High participation, international support, and high organization in every voting center And at every table,” a candidate pointed out Democratic Unionist Platform (PUD) in verb Independent Political Organization Committee for Elections (Kobei), the formation that confirmed its support.

He pointed this out CubanA Christian Socialist Party has been subject to legal procedures since 2015, after the intervention of the security authorities. Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), so – he said – it is important to explain to voters how to vote in presidential elections.

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During the conversation on Wednesday, Lula also informed Maduro of Brazilian businessmen's interest in her Reinvest and revitalize trade with Venezuela, He requested enhanced cooperation to improve the protection of the indigenous Yanomami people on the common border.

(With information from EFE)

Aygen Marsh

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