Activists of New Ideas reject Will Salgado and offer their support to Miguel Pereira, from the FMLN | News from El Salvador

Activists of New Ideas reject Will Salgado and offer their support to Miguel Pereira, from the FMLN |  News from El Salvador

In San Miguel, on Saturday morning, the spotlight on the Edilicia chair political competition focused on an event for a group of people who presented themselves as fresh ideas but who support the current FMLN mayor, Miguel Pereira.

This morning, a group of people who identified themselves as New Ideas (NI) ranks showed their support for the re-election of Mayor Miguel Pereira, who works with the flag of the FMLN. In addition, they showed their rejection of being nominated for the same position as Will Salgado, who is running for the official alliance of GANA and New Ideas.

Militants attending the event made it clear that they support Pereira, but not the FMLN.

For his part, Nuevas Ideas president Xavi Zablah Bukele, for his part, criticized the event on social media and said Pereira is using the Nuevas Ideas logo to promote his campaign.

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The mayor made these statements and said it was not his fault that “the New Ideas Movement supports us in the municipality of San Miguel”.

At the event, held at a restaurant in San Miguel, the NI gunmen supported their support for Perera but backed the candidates for the delegation in the section presented by the Nuevas Ideas.

Salgado, a candidate for the ruling coalition and who served as mayor of San Miguel for 15 years, has denied being representatives of the New Ideas Party.

this is not true. In that event there were veterans and community leaders from the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front and some of the armed forces. “There was no one from the New Ideas,” he said.

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He added that Pereira could incur “an electoral crime because he used the flag, slogan and name of a party he did not belong to, and wanted to defraud the Miguelist voters by showing support that does not exist.”

However, Pereira confirms that he was a guest at the event and said that those who used the Nueva logos ideas are armed and affiliated with this party.

“It happened to them that they held a decision to support Miguel Pereira, and they also mentioned that for the MPs they go with new ideas and they continue to support the President of the Republic, but that for Mayor Weil does not represent him, and they support Miguel Pereira,” the current mayor of the city said.

Aygen Marsh

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