A huge lightning strike that broke all records across the three states of the United States | Univision Planet News

A huge lightning strike that broke all records across the three states of the United States |  Univision Planet News

The longest lightning strike in history was recorded in the United States: it crossed three states and surpassed previous lightning strikes in South American countries.

Spread Nearly 500 miles through three US states and it is like this In the longest glowing new world record.

Extended 477.2 miles (768 kilometers) across a single flash Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi in April 2020Reported this Monday World Meteorological Organization.

He broke the old record set in 2018 Brazil 440.6 miles (709 kilometers). And in 2020, a lightning strike Uruguay and northern Argentina It lasted 17.1 seconds, breaking the old record of 16.7 seconds.

“They’re totally extraordinary”

Generally, The rays do not extend more than 10 miles And they last less than a second, explained Randall Cerveni of Arizona State University, who heads the weather system’s record confirmation.

“These two lightning recordings are completely extraordinary,” Cerveni said. He noted that no one was in danger as both were several thousand feet above the ground.

These records, not linked to climate change, were detected and Thanks to the new satellite tracking technology confirmed.

Two parts of the world are prone to severe storms that could create so-called “megaflares”.


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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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