A mother of a missing young man says Verdigo “threatened” her daughter

A mother of a missing young man says Verdigo “threatened” her daughter

Keshla’s mother Madeleine Rodriguez Ortiz, a missing young man who is supposed to have an affair with boxer Felix Verdigo, made her first expressions and indicated that the fighter had threatened her due to the pregnancy condition.

In an interview with Wapa Televisión, the mother indicated that the last time she spoke with her daughter was at 7 a.m. yesterday, and she told her that she would meet Verdigo to see a pregnancy test. “I told him to be careful because he had already threatened her, that he did not have, that he was a public figure, and that the family, and that, and I told her to be careful, be very careful, but he is the one who knows and he said,” He who knows that he is. “

“Arranged to go home to see pregnancy checks”, the mother was asked if she was talking about Felix Verdigo, and she answered, “About Felix Verdigo about him, and I think he cited her, because Keshla is not from being on the street, Kishla is not from being on the street. She has no networks.” Social, nothing, nothing. Her only friends, me and her sister, plus no one. “

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Puerto Rican police confirmed this morning that boxer Felix Verdigo has been summoned to the CIA in San Juan to ask him about Rodriguez’s disappearance.

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Police are currently assessing confidence whether the vehicle found in Canovanas is that of the young woman.

Aygen Marsh

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