A woman forgot a hamburger in her car for five years and was surprised to take it out of the box

A woman forgot a hamburger in her car for five years and was surprised to take it out of the box

McDonald’s hamburger. | Photo: Rafael Marchant/Reuters

Megan Condry, a woman living in Washington, US, kept a hamburger bought at McDonald’s for five years after leaving it in her car for a few days and seeing that it hadn’t started the decomposition process.

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The woman told the Daily Mail that in November 2017, she bought two cheeseburgers and some French fries from a car, but after finishing one, she threw the other into the back of her car and planned to eat it later.

The 41-year-old said that when she found the burger five days later, she realized it hadn’t started to rot yet, so she decided to run an experiment to see how long it would last unchanged. Kondry didn’t review what happened to this meal until January 2022.

“I was in the closet sorting Christmas things and I threw the bag and the burgers came out rolling. I forgot. It was hard as a rock, like a hockey puck. Maybe I could break the window with it. Everything is completely dry and could start to fall apart,” the woman said.

Also, one of the most curious things about finding out was that the packaging didn’t emit any odor. Bread, beef, and cheese remain intact with no signs of mold or mildew.

Megan says she was inspired to do the experiment after seeing an old hamburger on display in her doctor’s office.

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“I love science stuff. Two years ago, I went to the doctor and he had a pie stand with a hamburger that he’s kept for 20 years. I’d throw it away if I hadn’t seen her at the doctor’s office,” the woman told the local newspaper.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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