Abenader sets his sights on 24

Abenader sets his sights on 24

Yesterday, Abenader launched the election campaign cry of the Party of the Modern Revolution (PRM), during an act in which he participated new powers to that official organisation.

“Don’t look back,” the president said repeatedly in a clear message to the electorate who would have to do so. Go to the polls in 2024.

Abenadr He warned that other states’ time was “already over”.

His statements came during the development of a political session at the Sports Palace “Virgilio Travieso Soto”, where the president indicated his readiness to run for a second presidential term.

During his speech at the event whose purpose was to deliver certificates to the new authorities of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), Abenadr He argued that this political organization is the result of a Democratic call inconsistent with party leaders.

In the same way, he emphasized that the work and promise of change nearly two years ago made the people turn them into the largest political force in the country and that today they assert that the Dominicans knew what they were doing when they were elected. Route destinations Dominican Republic.

After noting that they had defeated the PLD a lot, the president asserted that the time of that political entity was “over”, and that “although today they are trying to deceive us again, we Dominicans have done the memory and know that the better place (the Badista) be in opposition; where they can shout, but they cannot harm people’s lives and take advantage of the government.”

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In the same way, Abenadr He stressed that the other presidential candidates in the upcoming elections “have the audacity to present themselves with the same faces, the same personalities they rule, and they have done absolutely nothing for the sake of the country.”

Abenader of the opposition

The president’s message was “contribute or leave.” Abenadr Target leaders of political parties who intend to gain power.

He admitted that previous presidents had complained about problems they “didn’t know how to solve”, and cited issues inflation and the deviation Which, in his opinion, reached record numbers in those governments.

He announced in front of more than 400 people that his government had made the country a model for others.

“We no longer occupy the first places in global corruption But those of growth and model,” said the head of state.

see PR
the match.

“We are the party that Represents all Dominicans, For peasants, workers, youth, professionals, women and businessmen. We are everyone’s party. We are the party that best represents the country.”

Likewise, he highlighted the qualities he understood that characterize his party.

“We are the party that represents all Dominicans, peasants, workers, youth, professionals, women and businessmen. We are everyone’s party. We are the best party to represent the Dominican Republic.

To culminate in his nearly 16-minute speech, the Dominican president called on all citizens to “not look back.”

“The past is corruption and impunity, don’t look back, the past is wasteful and ineffective, don’t look back…Look forward, don’t look back,” Abenader determined as everyone present shouted “Four more years.”

Corrupt and corrupt culture

In the law’s central speech, the president stated that the PRM party won the 2020 elections against a corrupt and perverted culture that bases private interests over the public interest.

In the same sense, he noted, “The people took the modern revolutionary party to the presidency in their conviction that whoever was ruling no longer represented collective interests, because they put the personal and collective aspirations of their leaders above the interests of the ‘Dominicans.’”

He added that citizens should not forget that the real victory of a political party is achieved not only when power is achieved, but when this power is used to serve the people and solve their real problems.

He stated that this political organization was established to defend democracy, as they were born to restore dignity to a country that advocates freedom, justice, equal opportunities and work.

PRM . press release

Santo Domingo: Members of the PPM and its senior leadership expressed their full support for President Luis Abenader’s administration of the government, handed testimonies to the elected leaders and made their main assets in terms of campaign strategy and who was the head of the presidential campaign Roberto Folcar, who was proposed as Chairman of the National Strategy Committee.

In the process of handing over diplomas to members of the political leadership, the President of the PRM Party, José Ignacio Baleza, highlighted the contributions of Roberto Fulcar and Cesar Cesar Cedeno, and proposed to the President the chairmanship of the party’s National Strategy Committee.

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Volkar was the campaign manager for the last election of 2020, an intelligent political communicator with deep roots within that organization, and a director of critical strategies that were key to the Prime Minister’s party’s victory.

Deligne Ascención, Coordinator of the Convention Organizing Committee, handed over election certificates to José Baleza and Carolina Mejía as President and General Secretary, respectively; In addition to three vice presidents and three general assistant secretaries.

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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