Airport employee arrested in a situation that angered everyone while waiting for her flight (video)

Airport employee arrested in a situation that angered everyone while waiting for her flight (video)


An airport worker was caught on camera checking passengers' bags and carelessly throwing them off the plane's ramp, a move that sparked outrage and led to action by the airline.

by: the time

A dream trip to a destination that has been anticipated for years can be unexpectedly set back by luggage problems, such as a wrong destination or a malfunctioning device inside. In the latter case, many travelers often agree that airport workers are inconsiderate when handling luggage, often causing damage to passengers’ belongings.

At Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, a passenger managed to capture footage on his mobile device of an employee throwing bags from the plane’s ramp, sparking widespread outrage. “Airline employee caught throwing passengers’ bags down the stairs,” the video, shared by TikTok user @elespanolcom, begins.

In the photos you can see how the worker picks up different suitcases and carelessly throws them down the stairs, leaving the fate of the passengers' belongings to chance. In addition to the indignation he caused among the passengers of the flight, many comments on the video posted on the networks emphasized that airport employees “always do this,” while others demanded sanctions against both the employee and the airline.


A Cathay Pacific worker in Hong Kong was caught on camera throwing passengers’ bags down a metal staircase at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Malaysia). In response to the incident, the airline was quick to apologise, expressing regret for the inconvenience caused to the affected passengers. It noted that this was a clear breach of its strict baggage handling protocols, and said the woman had been removed from the flight. #bags #travel luggage #airport #airplane #A flight #Malaysia #kuala lumpur

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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