Aleida Núñez: The fight with Ivonne Montero that left her out of a play | Celebrities from Mexico | nnda nnlt | Fame

Aleida Núñez: The fight with Ivonne Montero that left her out of a play |  Celebrities from Mexico |  nnda nnlt |  Fame

For a while there was a lot of talk about a championship fight And Within a play so far, someone told the details of everything that was going to happen, confirming all those rumors.

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It was Huntsman Who gave little details about it. He even admitted that the producers were tired of some behaviors, his partner at the time of the play.

The two stars participated in the play
The two stars shared the stage for “Amor de tres” (Photo: Aleida Núñez – Ivonne Montero / Instagram)

What is the topic of Alida Narez’s fight with Yvonne Montero?

During a press conference with various media, the protagonist “the wolfHe commented that everything was already released in front of the audience because of Alida Nunez He came out of the script with various insults.

“Actually, I always tried to be very respectful, but suddenly, on stage, the lady started calling me a whore*, she told me she was envious and I realized that this was not in the script, but well, her style and I kept in my script and in my scripts and at work”Yvonne Montero revealed.

problem according to Huntsman It was counting, it’s over when the business managers decided it Alida Nunez It could not continue to produce because of all the problems it generated.

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She continued to work and was no longer there for obvious reasons. It wasn’t her decision, but the company, it was our manager’s decision because it was something that was a long way from the start. We kept it, and we were very careful, very respectful, but there comes a time when that explodes because it has to explode.”he added.

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Why did the fight start?

The beginning of the feud between the two actresses was when Alida Nunez was crowned a few weeks earlier the Queen of the Mariachi, a title previously promised to Yvonne Montero, but she finally changed her mind.

Montero had some statements that didn’t go well with Nunez which is why the feud would have been born. “I know how she works, yes, I know and respect her style of work, many things I do not share but I keep other things because I am not scandalous, because apart from that I will appear in a play with her so that nothing happens”She said.

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Muhammad Bourn

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