Amazon launches its first ‘smart’ physical clothing store, where clothes of the desired color and size ‘magically’ appear in the fitting room

Amazon launches its first ‘smart’ physical clothing store, where clothes of the desired color and size ‘magically’ appear in the fitting room


22 ene 2022 02:19 GMT

Any item that a customer wants to try will be requested by an app, which reduces the number of items displayed in the room and provides a better experience for users.

The American e-commerce company Amazon announced, Thursday, that it will open a clothing store at the end of the year, to provide a unique shopping experience. Personal shopping through various technological tools, making it easier to choose the items you want to try. The first location, called Amazon Style, will open in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California (USA), Satisfaction notice.

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The clothing available at the company’s new facility will include men’s and women’s clothing, shoes and accessories, each It will have a special code. the scan it By using a “smartphone”, customers will be able to see what colors and sizes are available, what are the features of the product and whether other buyers are happy with the quality of said product.

Aside from choosing brands they already know and trust, customers will have the opportunity to “discover new and emerging designers from among hundreds of existing brands,” the company says.

Another advantage of the new physical store is that any clothes can be tried The order will be made through the Amazon Shopping app, where the customer can ask to bring all the items he wants to the dressing room in his favorite colors and sizes. Thus, users do not need to load everything and look for a place to change, trying not to miss any other product that might satisfy them at the same time.

The company will also allow customers to fill their virtual basket in a faster and more enjoyable way, reducing the number of items displayed in the room. Thanks to its innovative model, Amazon Style will offer more variety of products than traditional stores of the same size, more than twice the number of models.

Once the wearer is in the fitting room, if the shopper needs to order another size or color, or even another dress, he just needs to choose the required items Through a touch screen Found in every room.

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After deciding on the products you want to take, you have to confirm the contents of the virtual basket to be able to pick up your new belongings from the counter. Payment can also be made using technological advances, the store accepts it Amazon One, supplier that allows Pay with the palm of your hand To verify identity easily and securely.

Amazon Shopping will be powered by machine learning algorithms To be able to suggest personalized recommendations to customers during their stay in the store. Buyers themselves can add data about their tastes and preferences, their style and the type of clothing they use most to improve the app’s suggestions.

It is not the first physical store of the e-commerce giant that uses all kinds of technology to take the shopping experience to another level. In 2018, the company opened its first Amazon Go store to the general public, a pioneering physical location with no cashiers and hardly any employees, which two years later grew to the size of a Go Grocery supermarket.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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