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Bolsonaro Decree Environment Brazil

In an exclusive interview with CNN Brazil, Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, said he was “surprised” by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, after the two first met in a bilateral meeting Thursday at the summit. The Americas in Los Angeles.

“It was exceptional, I’m very happy. I can say I’m amazed by it. I’m not wrong to say that. We spent about half an hour talking in private,” Bolsonaro told CNN Brazil’s Leandro Magalhães.

Bolsonaro said Biden “agrees” with the Brazilian government when it comes to the Amazon, highlighting Brazil’s role in environmental conservation amid a history of rolling back environmental protection measures previously enjoyed by Brazil and weakening its environmental agencies.

“We talk openly about the Amazon, and then, in private, [él] Agree with us. It is a very large. Brazil is an example of environmental conservation for the whole world. “We have before us the issue of clean energy like wind power,” Bolsonaro said.

For his part, Biden described, in brief statements, Brazil as a “wonderful place,” adding that “our country is bound by shared values ​​that open up incredible opportunities for our two countries.” He also took credit for part of Brazil’s climate work.

“They made some real sacrifices in the country in the way they tried to protect the Amazon, which is a huge carbon sink in the world. And I think the rest of the world should join in and help them fund the effort as much as you can,” Biden said.

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Bolsonaro also told CNN Brazil that Biden had promised to cooperate with defending democracy and freedom and that they both “share the same vision.”

“In the secret meeting, which is clearly a state secret, he promised to cooperate with us, as civilized countries do, for the sake of our people, and to preserve democracy and freedom,” Bolsonaro told CNN Brazil. the same perception. It was good for him and it was good for me.”

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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