Angelica Aragon threatened to leave the Appointed Hour to save Honeycomb

Angelica Aragon threatened to leave the Appointed Hour to save Honeycomb
Angelica Aragon is an animal advocate who intervenes when species are in danger.  If necessary, stop recording.  (Photo by Adrian Monroy/Medius Way Media/Getty Images)

Angelica Aragon is an animal advocate who intervenes when species are in danger. If necessary, stop recording. (Photo by Adrian Monroy/Medius Way Media/Getty Images)

As a joke, they suggest that British actor Tom Hardy accept projects that are not filmed in places where there are stray dogs in sight because he will surely adopt them and then they will not fit in his house. This comes from the rescues he made during filming Illegals (2012) and delivery (2014). But he’s not the only celebrity who feels this connection to dogs and animals. In Mexico, for example, there is the case of pioneering actress Angelica Aragon.

The actress strongly promotes respect for and defense of animal life, and does not hesitate to intervene in situations that endanger species, whatever they may be. Just as Hardy happens with abandoned or abused dogs he finds in his path while working, Aragon experiences similar episodes when he receives chain calls. To show what was done during recording the last king, By Fix, In 2022.

“For example, the series we did about Vicente Fernandez on a ranch in the state of Mexico; a ranch with well-groomed horses, expensive thoroughbreds that were for sale. But all skinny, mangy, nameless dogs. Of course, “we were 100 people filming, about For six months there, because we gave them the food they gave us. The dogs were happy. (…)” There was a dog with no name. They didn’t give her a box, a towel, nothing… She gave birth to eight puppies in the barn’s mulch. It was very cold, it was January. We were in Nevado de Toluca,” he told reporters covering a photo event in reference to the Day of the Dead.

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Until then, there is nothing that cannot be solved by providing food, shelter, and veterinary care for the dogs and their mothers. However, the actress had to take another kind of action In favor of the dogs after someone ordered them to be killed.

“Who knows who, I haven’t heard, maybe the farm owner, but someone said ‘Get rid of all these dogs, because we’re not going to have all these dogs here.’ Not only me, but all the employees, those who could, adopted a little dog and everyone took it home. (…) It is worth it to adopt an animal instead of hunting it,” he explained while appreciating his colleagues who have the heart to work for animals.

They are so attached to the cause that they don’t care if it’s dogs, cats or fish. His condemnation also includes bees and insects that are distributed in Mexico City in different areas to build their honeycombs. Sometimes they do this in buildings and apartments that serve as locations. Angelica Aragon had to check this out while recording her episode The appointed hour, The series was just released on ViX.

“I was doing a series, The specified timein a loop earthquake. I was waiting and waiting and it didn’t register. It was night and I asked what was happening, why didn’t we start working. “There is a beehive at the entrance of the house where we will be filming and they have just called the fire brigade to remove the bees.” But why would we remove them? “They live there, and they were inside the roof of that house that was rented for the site.” He described it as a prelude to what he later did.

And this is it Seeing members of the coaching staff trying to scare away the bees To get them to leave – which resulted in a bite attack as part of the insects’ defense of the area – the actress asked them to stop harassing them otherwise she would refuse to participate in the TV project.

“With the flags up to cover the light, the lighting staff were trying to… Of course, the bees were very angry because they were blowing air into their house, into their honeycombs, and coming out to sting people. I said: Leave them, and if the firemen come to blow smoke on them to get them out, I won’t do a series of The specified time‘. We do not have the right to remove the honeycomb just because we feel they will sting us,” he revealed the warning he issued.

“I would never be able to kill an animal. I have an excellent relationship with animals, with all of them.” She said to reaffirm her interest and interest in what should be a collective consciousness for her. He expressed this as part of his response to the blunt question about his opinion of the singer Thalia and her taste in hunting.

While denouncing and rejecting hunting, Angelica Aragon urged society in general to think about the damage done to the environment through mistreatment of animals. Especially since many species are at risk of extinction:

“I was in Mazatlan. We returned 900 olive ridley turtles to the Pacific Ocean. Three species of turtles in Mazatlán have been recovered from extinctionWe make an effort to remove the eggs from the nests so that they are not stolen or eaten by birds and dogs. (…) Over many years the result was.”

Angelica Aragon shows that, like Tom Hardy, she is one of the celebrities who speaks the truth when it comes to going to the rescue of a dog. Not only that, he also does it to defend the safety and freedom of bees. Ah, it’s already premiered The specified time The actress appears in the episode she recorded, meaning that they obeyed her words to leave Honey alone.

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Aygen Marsh

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