Ariel Holan is stopped as Leon’s coach

Ariel Holan is stopped as Leon’s coach

Mexico City /

Then Lion Club No regular speed under command Ariel HolanArgentina DT Stopped being a strategist The Emerald Club, on the 15th, just hours after falling into the United States Closing 2022.

Has officially released this information SevereThere they declare Argentina He resigned After the Wednesday night meeting Aztec GroundDuring the conference he refused to take a step to the side.

Hello Arrived Emerald collection In May, then Ignatius Ambris He left the post after deciding not to renew his contract, but he was unable to work for the team in two matches. CL2022 There are still two dates for this to end.

Argentina leave the team 12th in the general table PlayoffAfter five wins, four draws and six defeats. While on Starting 2021 Added eight wins, five draws and four setbacks.

“It simply came to our notice then We were better off when we were 11 against 11Or at least we had better conditions and we were able to level the game when we were 10 for 11 Then it broke The match and that happened, ”he said after being asked if he had the support of the players.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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