Belinda wants to forget Christian Nodal with her new Spanish boyfriend

Belinda wants to forget Christian Nodal with her new Spanish boyfriend

I wrote in Famous The

Belinda succeeds in Spain She has proven herself as one of the most beloved actresses of the moment, thanks to her participation in “Welcome to Eden”the new Netflix series for which he decided to move to this country for a while.

Because of Your fame in SpainAnd Belinda is invited To the various events and programs in which he talked about his professional and personal life. Recently, he had Rendezvous with a Tarot Reader To watch a sitcom on Netflix.

During his visit, the tarot reader threw the cards at him to later begin to read them, in the activity, the cards came out “Caro” and “Los Inamurados” as well as the movie “La Imperatriz”.

According to the Tarot reader, these cards predicted a good future for the singer and actress, while Belinda emphasized that the person who He loved his grandmother more than anyone else in the worldwho passed away in early 2021.

A Tarot reader explained:“Lovers” card It is also a card that symbolizes decision making in love. This is where you have to evaluate.”

He added, “The high priest Say what’s right what’s wrong And the emperor can represent the character of a person, a man who wants to impose himself. But, my dear, the Empress is also coming out,” Belinda replied, “I get it perfectly, there is nothing to say.”

Belinda went to a tarot reader.

Belinda wants a Spanish boyfriend

One of the questions that attracted the most attention was the question Belinda questioned a tarot reader if she would have a Spanish boyfriend in the future: “Will I have a Spanish boyfriend?”

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However, according to a Tarot reader, the answer was a resounding “no” but emphasized the possibility of accidental confrontations, to which she replied: “No… but I’m so romanticI want to love”.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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