Britney Spears’ boyfriend explodes against singer’s father: ‘He’s an idiot’

Britney Spears’ boyfriend explodes against singer’s father: ‘He’s an idiot’

To us.

for now, Britney Spears Do not want to pronounce directly Documentary film Framing Britney Compiles evidence of ‘questionable’ treatment he received from the media from his childhood when he appeared on the show Mickey Mouse Club From Disney, It has gotten worse She broke up with her teenage boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, Suffered a nerve fracture in 2008.

Bob Princess It has not been confirmed whether the unauthorized production was made with or without its approval, or whether it was seen New Sam Askari He did not want to follow their example by remaining silent.

See: Britney Spears responded to reviews for bizarre videos she shares on Instagram

Meet the 27-year-old model and personal trainer Britney Recorded one of his video clips in 2016, Now he has slammed his ‘mother-in-law’, One of the most controversial figures in the documentary, continues to control the vast majority of the decisions he makes in the personal and professional fields and in his personal fortune to this day.

“It’s important for people to understand that I don’t respect someone who tries to control our relationship and who doesn’t stop putting obstacles in our way,” he said. Sam In the statement published in them Stories From Instagram.

Sam Do not hesitate to brand Jamie Spears “Stupid” and, though he refuses to describe what happened Britney’s father It is not too dangerous to speculate that it would have a lot to do with the refusal to resign his role as the legal guardian of the artist, who deserves that qualification.

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“In my opinion, Jamie Spears is a total idiot”, He added in his post Sam Askari.

“I did not come to this country without being able to express my opinion freely,” he added. Sam, Born in Iran.

The Documentary film Framing Britney Spears Available now Hulu platform.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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