CBD Seeds vs. THC Seeds: What’s the Difference?

CBD Seeds vs. THC Seeds: What’s the Difference?


Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the dominant cannabinoids in cannabis. These components interact with cannabinoid receptors to treat or reverse the effects of different medical conditions. Research experts have discovered hundreds of other cannabinoids that influence our bodies.

While these potent substances have different medicinal effects, they share a chemical structure. Both contain 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. However, their different atomic arrangements determine how CBD differs from THC.

Moreover, CBD and THC interact with the endocannabinoid system, although they still have notable dissimilarities. For instance, CBD lacks the psychoactive influence many people may associate with THC. Therefore, consumers should know the differences before choosing cannabis products to meet various goals.

This post explores the differences between these cannabis components. We discuss them to help you know what to expect from your THC or CBD seeds.

Cannabis vs. Marijuana

Before delving into details surrounding CBD autoflower seeds and how CBD differs from THC, let’s clarify a few things because most people don’t differentiate marijuana from cannabis. While the two have no essential differences, legal jurisdictions have their definitions. For instance, they classify the cannabis plant into hemp and marijuana based on a standard a few chosen men set: 0.3% THC.

These definitions criminalize any cannabis species or product with a THC content exceeding 0.3%. Cannabis plants below this standard are classified as hemp, while those with over 0.3% THC content are marijuana.

Please note that marijuana is a slang word for dried cannabis flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds. However, most cannabis products come from leaves and flowers and only differ based on their CBD or THC levels. Thus, marijuana’s association with “high” criminalizes it in many American states and other countries. However, some medical marijuana products are still available at pharmacies but under strict licensing.

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Differences Between THC and CBD Seeds

THC and CBD are like twin brothers who only differ in terms of the psychoactive effect on the human body and mind. No wonder you still get CBD from hemp and marijuana plants. This section distinguishes the two cannabinoids using different parameters.

Interaction with Brain Receptors

Both elements are cannabinoids, although CBD and THC interact with slightly varying cannabinoid receptors in our brains. Scientific evidence shows that THC binds itself to the brain’s main cannabinoid receptors because its composition resembles anandamide. The chemical fits in a cannabinoid category our bodies naturally produce—endocannabinoids. This structural resemblance makes THC interact with these receptors and makes users feel “high.”

Conversely, CBD lacks this mood and perception-altering feeling people get after consuming high THC levels. But up to now, most experts don’t know exactly how CBD interacts with receptors. Instead, they believe CBD binds itself to these receptors differently. They suggest that CBD increases other cannabinoids’ impact or binds to other receptors researchers are yet to discover.

Consumption Forms

The two cannabinoids naturally exist in all cannabis plants. Most folks choose cannabis consumption based on their personal preferences and needs. Fortunately, the market offers an array of industrial products users can consume. Below are different ways people consume CBD.

  • Oils
  • Gummies
  • Capsules
  • Tinctures

Cannabis lovers can consume THC products in the following forms:

  • Oils
  • Tinctures
  • Edibles like brownies


Legality is another way THC differs from CBD. In the United States, for instance, 37 states, including DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, have licensed medical marijuana consumption featuring CBD and THC products. Other 18 states have legalized cannabis for adult consumption.

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The landmark Farm Bill in December 2018 legalized industrial hemp as an agricultural product across all of America’s 50 states. However, the legality of hemp CBD products varies among the 50 states. Therefore, pay close attention to the laws governing your state regarding these products.

Inversely, marijuana and THC remain in the Schedule I substance category, which classifies them as illegal substances. That means cannabis strains and products containing high CBD: THC ratios are legal only in states with legally regulated cannabis markets.

Side Effects

CBD and THC also differ based on the extent of side effects they have on users. CBD has some side effects, just like all regulated substances, while THC has psychoactive side effects. However, CBD products rarely exhibit any noticeable side effects, even when consumed in large amounts. No wonder World Health Organization (WHO) research says, “CBD is tolerated in all patients, without any toxicity signs or adverse side effects.”

Where side effects are registered, they are because CBD usually interacts with other drugs patients take when consuming CBD products. However, consulting a doctor before taking any CBD products is wise, especially if you want to consume them with other conventional medicines.

Inversely, THC has some known side effects. These effects include increased heart pulse, coordination challenges, dry mouth, red eyes, slow reaction times, and decreased memory. THC’s psychoactive properties cause all these side effects.

Detection in Drug Tests

Detection in drug tests is another key difference between these substances. Most standard drug tests usually check for chemicals associated with THC. Thus, any THC can show in your bloodstream following a drug test.

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On the other hand, CBD products may show in drug tests if they contain THC levels of over 0.3%. However, these amounts are so minimal that they can have no psychoactive side effects on users, although CBD may show in drug tests.

Health Benefits

Lastly, these substances differ on this critical front: health and medicinal benefits. These cannabinoids communicate with our bodies’ endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is one of the most critical physiological systems that establish and maintain our bodily health. It significantly regulates numerous body functions and processes. These processes include sleep regulation, mood control, appetite, memory, reproduction, and fertility.

However, THC and CBD have different properties, so they come with different medicinal benefits. Below are some ways the components differ on this critical front.

  • CBD is well-known for easing depression, while THC doesn’t have depression-relieving properties.
  • CBD eases seizures, but THC doesn’t.
  • CBD can help with this condition, but THC can’t.
  • Boosting appetite. CBD doesn’t boost appetite, but THC does.

Parting Shot

There you go with all the practical differences between CBD and THC seeds. We hope this information will help you make an informed choice when seeking to buy CBD seeds. Feel free to get more information about the best deals on CBD-rich seeds at https://askgrowers.com/seeds/cbd.

Lana Braslavskaia is an ardent cannabis writer at AskGrowers with a knack for marijuana and its benefits. She creates projects dedicated to the dissemination of information about cannabis from growers directly to users. Lana is a PR specialist promoting equal access to the wealth of cannabis products on the market for everyone.

Tommy Vercetti

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