CEMEX denies selling fuel in dollars at Cuban gas stations

CEMEX denies selling fuel in dollars at Cuban gas stations

The CIMEX GOVERNMENT COMPANY He denied “the news circulated on social media about marketing irritable in freely convertible currency (MLC) Effective Monday, November 1st.

“This news is fake. We inform our customers about it Fuel maintains its marketing in CUP through various current means of paymentThe entity under the control of the GAESA military conglomerate said in a brief note reiterated by the official website. Cubadebate.

In comments on the state media information on its website Facebook accountIbis Maria Lage wrote: “But What fuel are you talking about CEMEXwhich there are none? The poor journalist who didn’t leave his house this week and didn’t know about it Three-hour waiting lists at CUPET“.

For Alexce Torres, “In the end it doesn’t matter because there’s no more gasoline left.”

Other users considered that they would not miss the sale of gasoline in dollars, considering that food and a large number of items are already sold in that currency in specific stores opened by the government.

Bilkis Cruz Moreno added:Buying gasoline in Puta is the story of the invention of bonds. How hard it is to make life for a Cuban!

Complaints about the “harassment of fuel cards in the national currency”

On the other hand, CEMEX admitted that it “received from different customers Complaints or concerns about inconveniences with fuel cards in national currencyThen he explained what Its service centers operate on different electronic payment methods.

“The Prepaid smart cards, issued by FINCIMEX Basically for the state sector, they act as a wallet, and inside the chip contains an amount of money depending on the fuel or service that is enabled. These, when you pass through the Points of Sale (POS), allow you to check your available balances and provide tank filling services.”

unlike, Magnetic tape or bank cards do not reach the recharge service, by not allowing issuing banks to refer in advance to the account balances on which they operate, something CEMEX provided “for the security and discretion of its customers’ banking systems”.

According to the institution, these cards “have the advantage of increasing the reliability and immediacy of services, reducing the use of cash, transferring deposits, and dealing with banks seeking to split large amounts for returns.”

He said that “there are side effects in very few cases The decay of communications between points of sale and card-issuing banksWhere are the financial deposits, or between the points of sale and the suppliers that carry out the deposits.”

He added that in an effort to reduce these problems “Applications enabled in active systems and we worked with ETECSA to improve connectivity and bandwidthWhere possible, according to what is currently available.”

“To fill lockers with strip cards or prepaid disposable cards, it is required Estimated amounts of fuel to fill your car tanksIf their volumes exceed, the same amounts of money equal to the collected liters that were not appropriate shall be returned to the same cards.

When communications between service centers and issuing banks are affected and cannot be resolved, customers must come to the nearest FINCIMEX offices in the different territories, to administer their refunds.“, pointed out.

But he said that the foregoing “does not justify that some employees in service centers do not fully master these alternatives or do not advise customers properly in the face of these or other difficulties.”

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Amidst these “clarifications”, FINCIMEX reported that Saturday morning there was a malfunction in the equipment responsible for ensuring the acceptance of magnetic stripe cards on the national commercial network..

“As a result of the aforementioned inconvenience Card payment service through POS has been suspended until 12:34 in which the platform was re-created.

“From the moment of impact at 5:20 a.m., the anticipated contingency plan for these accidents has been activated, and has identified The cause of breakdown voltage fluctuations in the card processing center in FINCIMEX“, ad.

Finally, he noted that a multidisciplinary team was currently identifying measures to be taken to avoid further damage of this nature and requested “an apology to the population for the inconvenience it has caused.”

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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