Crisis in the Argentine government: the officials who responded to Cristina Kirchner submitted their resignations to President Alberto Fernandez

Crisis in the Argentine government: the officials who responded to Cristina Kirchner submitted their resignations to President Alberto Fernandez
Tensions have risen between President Alpetro Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, after the ruling party's defeat in last Sunday's elections.
Tensions have risen between President Alpetro Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, after the ruling party’s defeat in last Sunday’s elections.

The A severe electoral defeat suffered by the ruling party in the legislative primaries last Sunday In Argentina it caused a strong crisis in the government of Alberto Fernandez When is this wednesday At least five ministers and other lower-ranking officials have submitted their resignations Which responds politically to Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

interior ministers, Eduardo “Wado” by Pedro, Justice Martin Soria science and technology, Roberto Salvarezthe culture Tristan Power, along with a PAMI holder, Luana Volnovic and those of ANSES, Fernanda Raverta available to the president Alberto Fernandez They resigned as a result of the harsh electoral defeat inflicted on the ruling party in the primaries

All are responsible responding to Vice President Christina Kirchner.

By passing the minutes, the Minister of Environment joined, Juan Cabande and owner of Aerolineas Argentinas, Pablo Syriani. Meanwhile, like ministers Jorge Ferrarifrom the habitat; Gabriel Kattopodes, from public works; And Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta, Women, Gender and Diversity, they indicated they tendered their resignations on Monday but not formally.

The move joins other similar gestures in the provincial governments of Buenos Aires and Santa Cruz, also administered by Kirchner’s governors, which occurred at the beginning of the week, a few hours after the defeat at PASO.

On Monday, the governor of Santa Cruz and the vice-president’s sister-in-law, Alicia Kirchner, asked her officials to make the resignation available, and on Wednesday, Buenos Aires Government Minister Teresa Garcia reported that the entire Cabinet submitted her resignation to Governor Axel Kiselov.

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Pedro “Wado” speech

Message given by Eduardo "wado" from pedro
Message given by Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro

“I have a motive to place at your disposal my resignation from the post of Minister of the Interior of the Nation, which I have had the honor of since December 10, 2019” wrote “Wado” de Pedro. This afternoon.

The leader of La Campora addressed the head of state and commented on it “Hearing his words on Sunday night as he raised the need to explain the judgment of the Argentine people, I considered that the best way to cooperate in this task was by placing my resignation at his disposal.”.

According to sources from Casa Rosada, “Inform all officials, formally or informally, to the President that they have their positions”. That is, although they did not send a letter to Alberto Fernandez, they informed him that they could step aside when he requested it.

Alberto Fernandez has shown himself with Santiago Cafiero as a way to support him in the face of rumors of his departure
Alberto Fernandez has shown himself with Santiago Cafiero as a way to support him in the face of rumors of his departure

Until yesterday, the president considered the best way to be to keep the cabinet, at least, until the general election on November 14. Consistent with this position, he endorsed from a symbolic point of view the continuity of the Chief of Staff, Santiago CafieroMinister of Economy, Martin GuzmanWith whom he appeared in various works.

From Kirchnerism they requested both short-term chiefs. They were considered to be the two names who had to pay for Sunday’s defeat. Cafiero as a representative of the government leadership and Guzmán as the person responsible for the economic measures, which were not enough to generate community support at the polls.

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The massive movement of resignations seeks to bring about a change in government in the face of the severe defeat suffered by the Todos Front at the polls. The movement that the Casa Rosada has repeatedly denied, warning that it is not in the action plan to renew the government.

Letter from PAMI President Fernanda Raverta to the President
Letter from PAMI President Fernanda Raverta to the President

Parallel to the resignations of the Speaker of Parliament, Sergio Massa, quoting officials who responded to him at 5:30 pm at the headquarters of the Front repair. In the presence of the Minister of Transport. Alexis Guerrera; owner of AYSA, Malina Galmarini and other lower-ranking officials.

The possibility of a change of government in government has been considered since before the elections and again appeared on the table Sunday night, after the electoral beating. They warned from the various sectors of the coalition against the need to make changes in the short term to show the impact of the electoral coup.

However, a scene like the one brought up on Wednesday with half of the Cabinet making available to resign as a chain while the other half warned that they did so orally on Monday morning, was never contemplated.

There was no unity of opinion, so it is not known whether the president was aware of the situation or discovered the same noon.

Aygen Marsh

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