Cruz Azul vs Poomas (2-1): Goals | They are utilized in Concachamble

Cruz Azul vs Poomas (2-1): Goals |  They are utilized in Concachamble

Olympic Stadium /

Blue Cross Does not learn, repeats the same mistake against Cookers. Cats are once again showing more severity than light blue, they came out to eat the competition, and for now they have topped the semifinals. Concacaf Champions League With twins Juan Dinenno.

The University Olympic Stadium Again became a temple of pain Celestial engine As it already happened in 2020 and 2021. There seems to be no way they can win Cookers For now they have a 2-1 advantage, which is the minimum advantage due to the away goal.

And note Uriel Antunna He was able to open the first score 20 minutes earlier, but everything was in a bad situation, which buried his aspirations of having a great night at CU. Some games are missing.

One of those weird goals came to open the scoring, and a sanfil style, but it deserved a good game. Washington Coroso The left wing overflowed down and sent a low center that was rarely finished தினென்னோ, Almost fall. A defender also tried to destroy, but it fell to Argentina 1-0.

Another goal was scored before the end of the first half தினென்னோ. This time the service was courtesy of the winger of the moment, Alan Moso. Mexico’s center was so precise that his team only had to move the player’s head to give it the right direction, making it 2-0.

Cookers He grabbed the ball and made the ghosts of the heavens appear.

However, Blue Cross He appeared when he appeared to be very little defeated and there would be no magic Evan Morales Below left. Something to defend along the way Waiter. Pass sent from there Christian Tab Finished a cross as 2-1.

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Because that goal makes a difference Concacaf Distant goals are worth it now Cross Blue He has already scored something valuable in the second leg at the Azteca Stadium, where a 1-0 win is enough.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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