Cuban fishermen catch a whale shark in Sancti Spiritus

Cuban fishermen catch a whale shark in Sancti Spiritus

Some Cuban fishermen have caught in their nets no less than a… The whale sharkas revealed in a short video clip posted on Tik Tok.

The images, which lasted for a few seconds, were recorded on a beach Taipacoa Beachsouth Sancti SpiritusFour astonished fishermen are shown joking about the discovery.

One of them was sitting on a shark, which appeared to be alive.

In the comments section, write the author of the post He explained that the hunters released the animal alive, and it is an endangered species.

However, many commentators questioned whether, with food so scarce on the island, fishermen had actually released the shark, a docile species, alive.

“Sure they shot it, yes, but in the frying pan”; “They're already looking for the 'little kid'”; Some netizens joked: “This is as far as the poor shark went”, “I don't think they released it”, and “How did the pound sell?”

Others called for his release, and even pointed out how dangerous the publication was, as it was punishable under the Fisheries Act.

“leave it”; “This is sacred and untouchable”; “You are so noble, let him go,” “release him,” Favor“They are imprisoned and they don’t know it”, “I know there is hunger but this kind is in danger”, “I know there is need but not this, please”, were other comments.

One user even mentioned this There are only about 180 whale sharks left in the world and many of them are equipped with GPS to control and conserve them.

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There were also those who used humor to indicate this The hunters' real goal was not to kill the giant animal to eat it, but rather to train it to swim at full speed towards the United States.

The whale shark is considered the largest fish in the sea, reaching a length of 12 metres. It feeds mainly on plankton and some small fish. It prefers tropical seas and migrates in spring to the continental shelf off the west-central coast of Australia.

This species, despite its enormous size, does not pose any danger to humans. It's a widely cited example given the reputation sharks have for devouring people. It is also said that they tend to play with divers. There are even reports, although unconfirmed, of whale sharks emerging face-up so a diver can scratch their stomachs and remove parasites.

In August 2019 huge A whale shark weighing about two tons was found dead in Playa La HerraduraIn Las Tunas. In photos shared on Facebook, a crowd of people can be seen surrounding the giant animal on the coastal beach.

In this case, and given the controversy raised by the photos on social media, Local fishermen explained that they did not kill the specimenBut they found him dead in their containment nets.

Aygen Marsh

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