Diana from Wales: the story of how she turned the paparazzi hunt into a game for her nieces | Lady Dee | Ownership | nnda nnni | Persons

Diana from Wales: the story of how she turned the paparazzi hunt into a game for her nieces |  Lady Dee |  Ownership |  nnda nnni |  Persons

In the last years of his life, His policeman security has resigned despite the fact that he remains The Paparazzi They would chase her everywhere, and she became adept at avoiding them when she didn’t want to be seen. As Diana’s niece Eliza and Amelia Spencer once revealed, the princess had a technique for avoiding the paparazzi when she is with children without being afraid of them.

more information: Fun facts: How much do you know about Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom?

In the magazine Twins, 28-year-old Charles Spencer, share their aunt’s memories. Although Eliza and Amelia were five years old when Diana passed away from Wales, Eliza remembers very well the story of a day Diana took them ashore in Nordhoek, just outside Cape Town, and I managed to evade The Paparazzi Without panicking the girls.

“Obviously it would have been very scary for us, being so young and not understanding what was going on.”, Reports. “but she Turn it into a game Who can get to the car first. It was amazing how he protected us in a way that made us feel safe and not afraid. We had no idea what he was doing at the time. “Commentary on Princess Diana.

Although born in London, they have lived in South Africa since 1995. Charles and his wife at the time, Victoria Aitken, moved to Cape Town with their four children. In November 2020, he revealed to He fell in love with the country while on vacation and moved with the family there because he wanted his children to have “Special education, happy and carefree”.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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