Diaz-Canel says he swims and weights and that he has a “very strong relationship” with Liz

Diaz-Canel says he swims and weights and that he has a “very strong relationship” with Liz

to the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel He does not like to talk about himself, but he told the journalist Ghassan bin JiddoFrom Al Arabiya satellite channel fieldsthat in his spare time he likes to swim and lift weights to keep in shape… and that he likes Les.

Well, I guess I’m a frustrated athlete, a frustrated musician, and a frustrated artist.This is what the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party said, asking about his “characteristic personality”, about his private life and his love for sports.

Interested in that “human face” of the heir to the power of the family Castro RoseThe Arab informant asked him for his habits and his relationship with his family and children Cuba’s non-first lady, employee Les Cuesta.

Let’s say, I’m an average athlete, neither high nor lowThe governor admitted with a humble smile of resignation on his face.

The leader of the so-called “continuity” played baseball in his childhood and basketball in his “high school and pre” levels. Then he dabbled in water polo and in these times, “when one gets older”, he likes to play softball.

“I have a habit, I exercise daily. I try to walk four or five kilometers every day and on weekends I do some weights [hace el gesto de levantar los antebrazos, típico de los ejercicios de bíceps] I also try to swim when I canDiaz-Canel said.

His statements revealed the “care” he also takes to eat, for with such a routine of daily physical exercise, his anatomy never ceases to become full and his belly swells and grows, though perhaps it is due to the intense work of his stomach. muscle.

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In music I tried to learn to play the guitar, but… My hearing doesn’t seem to be good. I didn’t get past learning chordsThen I tried to learn percussion and drums [gesto de tocar el tambor en una fanfarria]. And later, in an effort to do something in music, I auditioned to play the trumpet [gesto de trompetero] in a high school band, and He was the worst trumpet player“.

Calm in his gestures and open in his confession to the Arab interlocutor, the Cuban ruler admitted that, although he was “the worst trumpeter”, he did not reach the quorum and was accepted into the troupe … Something similar to what happened with their political stances today.

The owner of the Palace of the Revolution said, telling the audience afterwards: “I do not regret the supposed failures that I went through with my passion, because it gave me feelings and life.” fields How is his family life to which he also devotes time.

“Management tasks cannot be faced with such complexity without the support of the family and without the space for the family. We are a very close family, where the time is best spent when we are together. Therefore, We have a habit, at least on Sundays, to get together as a family“.

On that day, their three children came home with their families and partners, grandchildren, grandmothers and brothers with their partners and children, as well as many friends. “It’s time for us to share and talk, it’s time for all of us to give each other strength.”

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“Out of our three children, there is one who lives with us and also works with me. A law graduate. Very demanding. I say it is the opposition inside. He always criticizes me, but he’s not always right. The other two are musicians and artists, they have a band, they write songs, and I’m a big fan of both of them.”

Regarding his relationship with Les Cuesta, the Cuban ruler said he had “a very strong relationship”.

“I have a loving relationship, true love, which also gives us responsibilities with the family. I think Liz is somewhat of the center of the family, she is the one who welcomes everyone’s problems, their friends, their children, their grandchildren… She has the ability to reach out to everyone and make up for their absences.”

His wife is also a friend and comrade in the struggle against revolutionary ideas. They are people with a very critical sense of everything that is being done, and they are very insightfulboth in his professional work and in the assessments he makes of my work, of the things we do too…”.

according to Dr.. Diaz Canelhis relationship with Doctor Cuesta Perazaallows her to share hours, “not only love, but also discussion, reflection, analysis, proposals, plans … and for me they are things that have influenced me a lot in life, because there is another perspective, also from a cultural and intellectual view than what we propose in politics and economics “.

“It is also a contribution of feelings, emotions and respect for the standards of others. And this has been an opportunity for me to improve the human being and also as a leader helps you to better appreciate the diversity of opinions, have more patience to listen. Always with a saying, the best time one has is for the family, but also for the city.” .. “.

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Listening to Diaz-Canel, from his stone in Santa Iphigenia, the ashes of the “leader” sounded like embers when he saw how the leader of the “continuity” recognized himself as a down-to-earth, down-to-earth, arrogant man, but a good family man and respectful of his women.

Aygen Marsh

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