Earthquake in Mexico today, Sunday, September 10 – magnitude and epicenter, according to SSN | mix up

Earthquake in Mexico today, Sunday, September 10 – magnitude and epicenter, according to SSN |  mix up

Follow the official report of the National Seismological Service (SSN) on the recent tremors that Mexico witnessed today, Sunday, September 10, specifying the exact timing, location of the epicenter, and degree of its strength.

In this article we will introduce you Latest news about tremors in Mexico todaySunday, September 10, according to the official report . When and where was the epicenter? How strong is the earthquake? Get answers to your questions and follow the preventive instructions provided by the government Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) In case of emergency of major seismic cities in the national territory such as CDMX, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Jalisco, Chiapas, Guerrero, Baja California, among others.

Earthquake in Mexico today, Sunday, September 10

According to the data Social security numberMexico is exposed to about 90 earthquakes annually with a magnitude of more than 4 on the Richter scale. As a result, very important plans have been made to collect and distribute accurate data on telluric movements in record time through the official website of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), always under the supervision and approval of the researchers.

At the moment, the SASMEX app is only available in Cities Mexico City, Puebla, Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Morelia, Oaxaca, Toluca, and Morelos (which distributes the notice to Mexico City). In all, there are more than 25 million people in earthquake-prone areas benefiting from it.

  • Seismic Zone A: Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Durango, the eastern part of Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, as well as Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Roo and northern Veracruz.
  • Seismic zone B: Tabasco, Campeche, central part of Veracruz, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Queretaro, Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa and Chihuahua.
  • Seismic Zone C: Northern Chiapas, Oaxaca, southern Veracruz, Puebla, Michoacan, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Morelos, central Jalisco and Nayarit, Sonora coast, as well as most of northern Baja California and Baja California Sur.
  • Seismic zone D: Chiapas, Oaxaca, Michoacán, Guerrero, Colima, Jalisco and the northern region of Baja California Norte.
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Follow the Mexican government’s recommendations for preparing before, during, and after an earthquake. Always be calm and convey peace of mind to your loved ones. Prepare an emergency backpack with food, clothes, and first aid kit. Contact the authorities closest to your area for emergency response.

Aygen Marsh

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