Eric Ruben caught with a woman other than his wife Andrea Legretta | Instagram | Celebrities nnda nnlt | Mexico

Eric Ruben caught with a woman other than his wife Andrea Legretta |  Instagram |  Celebrities nnda nnlt |  Mexico

Eric Ruben, husband , Gives something to talk about after some photos are released, where he is with a woman who is not the mother of his children, which divides social networks because some people think he did nothing wrong, while others question it he has bachelor fun with some young women.

More info: Andrea Legaretta defends Maluma after a presentation at Premios Low Neustro

“At least you don’t see anything bad in these photos taken badly. He’s dancing there.” , “Andrea is going to say she recorded a video, don’t get me wrong”, “Donna Cuquita 2”, Some ideas that can be read.

We show you photos that were published and quickly went viral on social networks due to the confusion caused by the pictures of the former Timberlake.

Unrestricted photos of Eric Ruben

The photos were posted on Chicapicosa 2 Instagram account. “They sent this information to the Queen of Venomus’ account.”, Read under the post, followed by someone wrote: “Hello, anonymous, please. I saw some stories of an influence I follow, and she is having dinner with Andrea Legretta’s husband.”.

In the films, the singer is said to be enjoying a dance with two young men, with whom he danced and apparently drank, but he is intimate with one of them.

In the photo you can see a woman in a long light blue beach dress, while she is wearing a new dress. In a movie he tries to cover his face but the two are very happy.

(Photo: Poison Reindeer / Instagram)
(Photo: Poison Reindeer / Instagram)

Some users of social networks have noticed that Andrea Legretta’s husband was dressed similarly to the meeting three days ago; That is, he was wearing a white shirt, black pants and a necklace.

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Former Timberlake with the same outfits from the party.  (Photo: Eric Ruben)
Former Timberland with the same party attire. (Photo: Eric Ruben)

Unofficially, it was announced that the party would be held in Tulum, Quintana Roo.

This is not the first time Eric Ruben has been caught up in this type of scandal, and in January 2020 he contacted Lidsey after he commented on a photo of the singer in underwear.

A Curious Message

After the photos were released, Legretta wrote a message. “So shake the clock with all your might, and every grain will fall in its time. Do not force anything. Everything is coming! ”.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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