Evo Morales attacked Eva Cuba again, answering: “A traitor is the one who escapes and leaves his people deserted and defenseless.”

Evo Morales attacked Eva Cuba again, answering: “A traitor is the one who escapes and leaves his people deserted and defenseless.”
Eva Kouba, elected Mayor of El Alto, during her vote.  He again confronted the political leader Evo Morales, who attacked her by calling her "traitor" (Reuters)
Eva Kouba, elected Mayor of El Alto, during her vote. Against the political leader Evo Morales, who attacked her and described her as a “traitor” (Reuters)

Evo Morales See how inner strength is in The movement for socialism (More) slips from him and becomes obsessive: Eva Cup. Is this an elected mayor? the long She is one of the many leaders who clashed with the former Bolivian leader. This time, the battle resulted from the former president’s onslaught on the increasingly personal politics of the country. to me MoralesAnd the cup Have secretly met with the opposition leader from Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

On the afternoon of April 15th, they met in a hotel on a date with Luis Fernando Camacho, Damien Condori, Eva Kouba, Oscar Montes and others who attended. The traitors met with Camacho. I want the Bolivian people to know, especially the social movements“, He said Morales In your program Evo is the city.

However, the answer is cup Didn’t wait, besides. “You are a liarPolitical leader L. the long Mentioned it to him Resignation s Huida de Bolivia In the turbulent days of late 2019. ‘Mr. Evo Morales, do not lie to the Bolivian people, you do not want to cover up the defeat of your party with insults and lies.“The woman snapped.

If you confirm that he personally met Mr. Camacho, provide evidence and show where and at what time the said meeting was held. With the courage of a woman, I challenge you to prove your assertions, otherwise you will be left as a liar. And if we talk about traitors, then the traitor is the one who escapes and leaves his people deserted and defenseless“I added in a Facebook message the elected mayor who left But Yet arbitrary Morales And his return to Bolivia.

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is taking part in the GAMEP in Cochabamba.  Charged MAS leader "Finger" To elect leaders in previous elections that led to the failure of their movement (EFE)
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is taking part in the GAMEP in Cochabamba. MAS leader accused of “didazo” for electing leaders in the recent elections that resulted in the failure of his movement (EFE)

This is not the first time Morales Traitorous flame cup And it reminds him of his escape from the country and how he resorted to the embassies of other countries, while they were bases But The other leaders were left helpless.

Who is Eva Cuba

Until 2019 Eva Cup She was a senator from But Very low profile and almost unknown in the country. That was with the departure of Evo Morales and the beginning of the former president’s transitional government Janine Anise When his character became more overt and relevant, since then Elected President of the Senate, when the most important Masismo leaders moved away from major public offices, took refuge or left the country.

At that crucial stage in the political life of Bolivia, 15 months ago, Eva Cuba was sworn in as president of the Senate and her character was central to agreeing with the transitional government to call new presidential elections and an immediate pacification of the country. He was cramped by the resignation of Evo Morales before the end of his term, after a 21-day protest over allegations of electoral fraud..

Then a senator from the Islamic Movement of America entered the scene, and was seen to make the transition, call for new elections, accept Morales’ resignation, and calm the situation in the country, along with the executive and legislative branches.

During this period, which was gripped by a deep political crisis, Eva Copa has also become an opposition and resistance agent to Janine Anez’s transitional governmentWhere there was a possibility of extending the temporary mandate due to the postponement of the elections due to the Coronavirus pandemic. in line Morales And from ButAnd the cup It has also been barred from Senate appropriations obtained by the government AneesLike the International Monetary Fund.

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cup Then he complained about the lack of coordination of the authorities due to the arbitrary positions of the President and her collaborators, and he denounced the political and judicial persecution. The senator also supported the incumbent president’s campaign Lewis Ars And since it became visible as a leader of a regeneration But She is already emerging as a potential candidate for that party for mayor the longThe city he lives in and which he represented in the Senate.

With a comeback But To power and at the beginning of the mandate Lewis ArsAnd the cup He entered the election race with dozens of other candidates from his party for the mayor of Altania.

Despite showing herself as the Masista candidate with the most popular support in El Alto, she was unable to choose her to run for El Alto mayor by MAS. With the support of Evo Morales, the candidate was the Aymara federation leader and the peasant Zacharias Makira.

That was the decision The disagreement factor that produced the trophy rupture with Morales and the leadership of MasTherefore, he decided to leave the party and accept the invitation of the Jalala group, whose candidate for governor was the late leader of Aymara Felipe Kissby, one of those who had always opposed Evo Morales to support the local popular nationalism in Bolivia.

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Aygen Marsh

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