Former Commissioner Luis Rodriguez appointed Country Director at CABEI and he will no longer compete as deputy | News from El Salvador

Former Commissioner Luis Rodriguez appointed Country Director at CABEI and he will no longer compete as deputy |  News from El Salvador

On Wednesday, the President of the Republic, Neb Bokil, reported some changes to the Council of Ministers.

Among these announcements is that the former Commissioner for Strategic Projects, Luis Rodriguez, will no longer be competing for the position of Deputy for New Ideas in the Legislative Assembly, as he was appointed as the new director by El Salvador del Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).

See: Salvador Alas, “La Choli”, resigns from his position in government as Youth Commissioner

According to the president, the New Ideas will replace Rodríguez’s running mate.

The announcement came this afternoon through his account on the social networking site Twitter: “I have appointed the former Commissioner for Strategic Projects for the Presidency as our country director at CABEI.”

He explained that 60% of his salary that Kaby pays will be donated monthly from the presidency.

El Salvador has not had a representative before CABEI since 2019, when that entity sacked Guillermo Enrique Funes Cartagena, brother of former President Mauricio Funes, from the position of Country Director following a request made by the Boca government after taking office on June 1, 2019.

The president ordered the dismissal of the former president’s brother Funes, at a time when he focused on the social network Twitter on an advertisement Dismissal of relatives of former officials of the two FMLN administrationsOn the pretext that they held high positions with exorbitant salaries.

Boukele also announced that on December 23, he had received the resignation of Salvador Alas, known as “La Choli”, from his position as Youth Commissioner.

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According to the president, the position unfortunately will not be replaced and will be abolished.

In addition, he reported that in the coming days, more changes would be announced in the Cabinet.

As well: Central American Integration Bank sacks former President Funes’ brother after Buckley’s order

Aygen Marsh

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