Fred McGriff and Scott Rollin have been inducted into the Hall of Fame

Fred McGriff and Scott Rollin have been inducted into the Hall of Fame
Fred McGriff and Scott Rollin have been inducted into the Hall of Fame

\n “,” ProviderName “:” Twitter “,” ProviderUrl “:” “,” type “:” oembed “,” width “,” content “,” contentType “:” rich “} , {” __typename “:” Markdown “,” content “:” “Watching my mom and dad outrun their seats from my spot at third base never got past the feel of a 17-year-old. \n \nIt took six tries, but my dad rolls Yen, Ed and Linda finally got to see their son earn the bronze plaque into the Hall of Fame. They were joined by Fred McGriff, who was unanimously elected by the Committee of Modern Players in December after he disappeared from the writers’ ballot in 2020. \n\n Rollin was the only player with more than 75% of the votes needed to qualify for induction. He received 297 votes (76.3%) from the Baseball Writers Association of America, in January. A year earlier, he received a 63.2 % of the votes. \n\n “I am grateful for this great gesture,” said Rollin. “At no time did it occur to me that I would be standing here on this platform.”, “type”: “text”}, {”__typename”: “OEmbed”, “html”: “

Forever! Scott Rolen has been immortalized as a member of the Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame. ⚾️

– LasMayores (LasMayores) July 23, 2023

\n \n”,” ProviderName “:” Twitter “,” providerUrl “:” “,” type “:” nembed “,” width “,” content “:” rich “} , {” __typename “:” Markdown “,” content “:” The third baseman has spent six of his seven seasons with the Four Gold Stars and seven of his earnings. 281 with 316 home runs and 1,287 runs batted in 2,038 games played. 421 during the 2006 World Series, which St. Louis won in five games over Detroit. \n \nRollin credited his parents for the values ​​they taught him. “,” type “:” text “}, {” __typename “:” OEmbed “,” html “:”

An impeccable career worthy of the Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame. Fred McGriff is immortal! 👏👏👏

– LasMayores (LasMayores) July 23, 2023

\n \n”,” ProviderName “:” Twitter “,” ProviderUrl “:” “,” type “:” oembed “,” width “,” contentType “:” rich “}, {” __typename “:” Markdown “,” content “:” I wasn’t raised to be a great caterer,” he said. \n \nAlong with Rolen on stage was McGriff, who made sure to shake hands with the nearly 50 Hall of Famers who welcomed him.” “,” type “:” text “}, {“__typename “:” Video “:” 4-0723 ” enarioURL({\”preferPlaybacks\”: \”mp4AvcPlayback\”}) “:” ” slug “:” break-down-rolen-s-sportsici sm “,” tags “,”:[{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”mlb-network”,”title”:”MLB Network”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”baseball-hall-of-fame”,”title”:”Baseball Hall of Fame”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”baseball-hall-of-fame-induction”,”title”:”Hall of Fame Induction”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”classic”,”title”:”classic”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”PersonTag”,”slug”:”playerid-121409″,”title”:”Scott Rolen”,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:121409″},”type”:”player”}]”,” Thumbnail”: {“__typename”: “Thumbnail”, “templateUrl”: “{formatInstructions}/mlb/xfxhlv9seawyj668ejm6”}, “title”: “Breaking down” Rolen’s sportsicism/breaking-down Rolen “sportsicism/video” icism”}]”,” contentTy pe “:” news “,” subHeadline “,” abstract “:” COOPERSTOWN, New York — The highlight of Scott Rolen’s 17-year career did not come during the 2006 World Series season with the St. Louis Cardinals.[{“__typename”:”InternalTag”,”slug”:”storytype-article”,”title”:”Article”,”type”:”article”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”baseball-hall-of-fame”,”title”:”Baseball Hall of Fame”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”baseball-hall-of-fame-induction”,”title”:”Hall of Fame Induction”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”apple-news”,”title”:”Apple News”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”PersonTag”,”slug”:”playerid-118730″,”title”:”Fred McGriff”,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:118730″},”type”:”player”},{“__typename”:”PersonTag”,”slug”:”playerid-121409″,”title”:”Scott Rolen”,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:121409″},”type”:”player”}]”type”: “story”, “thumbnail”: “{formatInstructions}/mlb/vd9qfyqtg4muxewqi3kw”, “title”: “Fred McGriff and Scott Rolen inducted into the Hall of Fame type” }_ “,” person: 12140 “person: 118730”: {“__typename”: “Person”,”id”: 118730}}} window.adobeAnalytics = {“reportSuiteId”: “mlbglobal08, mlbcom08, mlbcomes”} window. globalState = {“tracking_title”: “Major League Baseball”, “lang ‘window”..”>es.

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July 23, 2023

COOPERSTOWN, New York – The highlights of Scott Rolen’s 17-year career didn’t come during his 2006 World Series season with the St. Louis Cardinals, or even his first full season with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1997, which earned him a unanimous vote for Rookie of the Year.

For Rollin, one of two players inducted into the Sunday Baseball Hall of Fame, that honor was reserved for an unexpected moment with his parents after he was called up to his first major league game in 1996.

“Watching my mom and dad walk to their seats from my position at third base was a feeling I’ve never gotten over in 17 years,” Rollin recalled during his 16-minute acceptance speech.

It took six tries, but Rollin’s parents, Ed and Linda, finally got to see their son earn the bronze plate in the Hall of Fame. He was joined by Fred McGriff, who was unanimously chosen by the Committee of Modern Players in December after his disappearance from the writers’ ballot in 2020.

Rolen was the only player to receive more than 75% of the votes needed to qualify for the induction. He received 297 votes (76.3%) from the Baseball Writers Association of America, in January. A year ago, he received 63.2% of the vote.

The third baseman spent six of his 17 seasons with the Cardinals, earning four of his seven All-Star Game selections and three of his eight Gold Gloves.

Rollin batted . 281 with 316 home runs and 1,287 RBI in 2,038 games. 421 during the 2006 World Series, which St. Louis won in five games over Detroit.

Rollin credited his parents for the values ​​they taught him.

“I didn’t grow up to be a major league player,” he said. “I was raised to be honest, to work hard, to be responsible for my words and actions, and to treat people with kindness and respect.”

Rolen was joined on stage by McGriff, who made sure to shake hands with the nearly 50 Hall of Famers who welcomed him.

Oliver Walton

"Pro alcohol addict. Bacon scholar. Award-winning beer fan. Gamer. Social media expert. Zombie guru."

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