“Government excuses must end” to confront insecurity – El Nacional

“Government excuses must end” to confront insecurity – El Nacional

SANTO DOMINGO.- Former Dominican president and presidential candidate, Leonel Fernández, warned on Monday of the insecurity of citizens existing in the country.

“Insecurity takes away peace of mind from Dominican families. He said that the fear of losing your life or being assaulted is painful and heartbreaking. Leonel Fernandez In a video clip they posted on social media.

He pointed out that fear limits people’s prosperity. “Young people tell me how their phones are stolen on the streets. Many of them got this by changing with the phone company. Mothers also tell me about the fear they feel for their children. A country whose people live in fear will never be prosperous,” said the presidential candidate for the Forza del Pueblo party, the entity he leads.

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“To begin to reverse the current situation and achieve greater security, we must end the excuses and start taking concrete action,” continued Fernandez, who ruled the Dominican Republic for three non-consecutive terms (1996-2000, 2004-2012).

Given the insecurity, Fernandez recommended that the government:

1-Using technology to prevent crime. Knowing the areas that suffer from the greatest problems and enhancing the presence of security forces.

2-Implementing more education, training, employment and support plans for young entrepreneurs in all neighborhoods. Open doors to opportunity to close doors to crime.

3-The new prison policy system. With training and work commitment for inmates. Prisons cannot be places where crimes and deception occur.

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Aygen Marsh

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