Hearing postponed – Major General Condem Caceres defends himself and says the MP has distorted the truth

Hearing postponed – Major General Condem Caceres defends himself and says the MP has distorted the truth

Three defendants in the corruption network, who baptized in the name of Coral, broke the barrier of silence yesterday, by interfering in a coercion hearing, which was suspended due to the appeal before the Judge of the Permanent Court of Appeals, Kenya Romero.

Reverend Rossi Guzman was the first to exhaust the transformation, then Major General Caceres condemned Sylvester and then Colonel Rafael Nñez de Azza. The data sought to justify the need to postpone the hearing that the legal representatives of those involved in the file had requested and had previously rejected by the judge.

Caceres Silvestre, former President Danilo Medina’s chief of security and main accused, complained that the attorney general’s office had distorted the truth and portrayed him as a criminal.

“I noticed, not a lot of lies, I noticed the twisted truth against me and against my honor, and that deeply affected me as a judge, and I’ve been presented as a criminal and I have to have ways to deconstruct all of this,” he said. And he indicated that to achieve this he needs Abu’s support

Gadous. He stressed that, in a conversation that lasted more than three hours, he was able to hold it with his lawyer, last Thursday, and thanks to the generosity of the judge, he provided him with tools that enable him to develop an effective defense of his person and his honor. But he said not enough.

“I gave them several names of people who could be guarantors of me, to prove my roots in this process, but in the little time left yesterday it was impossible, it is steps they have to take in different places to get the items he can defend.”

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Weak and helpless
Guzmán declared that he felt completely weak in terms of his defense, as he did not have time to present the documents to his lawyer and the budgets he needed.

“I understand that it is wise, madam, for you to think about this situation in which I find myself defenseless, because you are also there to guarantee my rights,” he said before the session stopped.

Nونñez de Azza asserted that, with the judge’s decision to confirm the rejection of the request to adjourn the hearing, she left him without protection.

“We actually noticed that the tests were submitted digitally two days ago, where we were able to read and analyze at a rate of between 10 and 20%,” he said, adding that they were notified on USB and they had no way to see it he – she. He noted that it was difficult for his lawyer to analyze the documents and choose the necessary budget.

in the break

Due to the appeal filed with Judge Kenya Romero, the hearing on the coercive measure was postponed, without setting a date, until the National County Appeals Court heard and decided on it.

Attorney Felix Portez claimed that his client was in isolation, because the evidence presented by the prosecutor had not been actually delivered to him and they did not have time to find out.

Aygen Marsh

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