I informed the JCE on Wednesday that it would be the majority parties

I informed the JCE on Wednesday that it would be the majority parties

The President of the Central Electoral Council (JCE), Roman Jacques Liranzo, reported that the Electoral College will announce on Wednesday the criteria it will use to determine the polling order and distribute the 1260 million pesos it awards. State so that it is distributed among the different political parties. This decision will allow us to get to know the majority and minority parties.

“This is exactly what we will determine and verify the position of the various political parties, the plenary session and the laws, and the plenary session will finalize a decision in this regard. Today (Wednesday) the country will know the situation,” said Jacques Laranzo, who arrived at JCE headquarters at around 9:40 am.

Regarding the fact that the main political parties do not agree to use a specific criterion, this will hinder the decision of the plenary session of the entity, the President only added that the decision taken will be based on “the law and the constitution”. ”

The JCE plenary has been meeting since 10am and this issue will be the only item on the agenda.

The last of four decisions from the last plenary session regarding the electoral polling arrangement and the decision used for the July 5 elections stipulates that the polling arrangement be based on the sum of the percentages for all electoral levels (municipal, congressional, and presidential).

The political parties had until two o’clock yesterday afternoon to submit their responses and objections to the criteria to be used.

Regarding the economic distribution of the parties, Article 61 of Law 33-18 on the Parties stipulates that 80% of these resources will be distributed in equal parts among the parties that have reached more than five percent of the valid votes. In the “recent elections”. These will be considered the majority parties.

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12% is distributed among all parties that reached more than one percent (1%) and less than five percent of valid votes cast in the last elections, while the remainder is eight percent, among the parties that achieved between 0.01% and 1%.

Aygen Marsh

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