Intercepts and blockades went under the table in Venezuela

Intercepts and blockades went under the table in Venezuela


Movistar's parent company Telefónica has withheld essential data on interception and blocking requests in Venezuela for the second consecutive year. In its 2023 transparency report, the company describes operations in 11 countries, but in the case of Venezuela, it limits itself to listing the number of mobile, landline, internet and television services, omitting important information about the level of surveillance.

This silence is significant, especially since in 2021, Movistar admitted to intercepting 20.5% of active mobile lines in the country. According to VE without filterAs these deficiencies are closely followed, it represents a clear violation of the right to privacy. The organization recalls that in 2021, there was a 17% increase in interception requests compared to the previous year, suggesting that the situation may have worsened.

Telefonica's decision not to release this data calls into question its commitment to transparency and respect for human rights, the principles it claims to protect. “From 2021, there will be more communication hacks,” warned VE sin Filtro, underlining that the lack of information prevents knowing the true purpose of these practices.

Telefónica's position is even more worrying considering that other operators in Venezuela, such as Digitel, do not even publish transparency reports. “Telefónica chooses to remain silent in the face of intolerable abuses in other markets where it operates,” says VE sin Filtro, criticizing the company's inaction in the face of state surveillance demands.

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A lack of transparency in Venezuelan telecommunications leaves users uncertain about the level of interference in their communications. VE sin Filtro demanded clarity and legal action to protect citizens' rights, urging companies not to be complicit in potential systematic violations of human rights.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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