Journalist Jorge Beltran sues the Palestinian National Council inspector for beating him ل
The journalist went first to the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights, and then to the Office of the Attorney General.
Jorge Beltran, a journalist for El Diario de Hoy, went to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Defense of Human Rights and the Public Prosecutor’s Office on Thursday morning to denounce the National Civil Police Inspector, Martinez Velasquez, who arrived yesterday in the coverage journalist hitting him in the face.
Beltran, accompanied by the APES Committee to Protect Journalists, provided details of the attack by the PNC official.
Beltran said that at no time had I entered or violated the place where the body of the young man who had been kidnapped by the gang was.
Journalist Jorge Beltran has arrived at the Political Rights Office of the PDDH School of Human Rights to file a lawsuit against the police officer who attacked him yesterday. Photo EDH/Minley Cortez
He explained to the representative of the Public Prosecutor that the officer attacked him with a slap in the face.
Aside from aggression and obstacle in press coverage, there was coercion, Beltran said in detailing yesterday’s events in the Tomayati River, where the body of the young man who had deprived the gang members of liberty was found in Abuba.
The officer slapped the interlocutor who was working in the Tomayati River, in Abuba, where the scene is being processed.