LUMA says it has restored power to 100,000 customers after Fiona passed.

LUMA says it has restored power to 100,000 customers after Fiona passed.

About 100,000 subscribers from the municipalities of Doa Alta, Do Baja, Metropolitan San Juan, Bayamon and Corozal have their electricity service restored for the first time after the second general blackout of the year. Hurricane Fiona.

The number declared by the company LUMA Energy In a tweet around 6:30 am, This excludes the majority of Puerto Ricans from energy recovery. The system has 1,468,223 customers.

The newspaper sought an update on customer service around 10:00 am. However, the spokesperson said, Hugo SorrentiniHe pointed out that they are officially at 100,000 subscribers.

Directors of the company responsible for power distribution and transmission noted that they already have their brigades on the street to achieve system recovery.

In an interview with Telenoticeas, Luma’s Director of Systems and Renewable Projects, Daniel Hernandez1,648 active field personnel and 339 contract workers are conducting repairs or field inspection of damage.

“We would like to inform our customers that LUMA crews are responding to the outage facing the entire island as a result of Cyclone Fiona,” it said in a tweet.

However, power generation is still limited to expand the number of consumers through electricity.

This morning, the Electricity Authority (AEE) reported that it was able to synchronize units 1-1 and 2-1 of Central Palo Seco in Do Baja, and units 5 and 6 of Central San Juan. The power generation was 139 MW, while 2,500 MW of electricity was required to serve the entire country.

Governor’s choice Peter Pierluzzi Most Puerto Ricans have received electric service in “days”. However, no official forecast has been established by LUMA Energy on how many days the wait will be.

Hernandez told Telenoticias that it would be “speculative” to suggest it would take three months to energize the entire country.

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“We have this much manpower and this much equipment, we’re going to do all the repairs much faster than we did with (Hurricane) Maria … I don’t see any repairs taking that long.” he said.

While passing through, the official invited subscribers to call LUMA customer service to report any fallen poles or damage to the structure. He said this information will help in quick damage assessment. The number to call is 1-844-888-5862.

Yesterday at 1:00pm on Sunday, Pierluisi confirmed that the island was completely dark. That happened when Fiona made its impact on the southern part of Puerto Rico, and transmission lines were out of service and generating plants were shut down.

The first blackout of the year occurred on April 6, at the central Costa Sur’s switchyard in Guanyila, where one of the devices broke and caused multiple failures.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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