Maduro's father “appeared” to him in his dreams and gave him the most devastating diagnosis (video)

Maduro's father “appeared” to him in his dreams and gave him the most devastating diagnosis (video)
Tenth: @PresidentialVen

During an event held at the Teresa Carreño Theater with parties linked to Chavismo on Wednesday, March 20, Nicolás Maduro made a statement that caught the attention of those present and the media present, in which he appeared discouraging.

Maduro said he was dreaming of his father, Nicolas de Jesús Maduro Garcia, who sent him two letters. The first is a warning to him from his enemies, and the second is a confirmation of his victory in the upcoming presidential elections.

“My father, the founder of the Popular Electoral Movement, told me: Take good care of yourself because your enemies are crazy,” Maduro said. “They're crazy because they can't beat you,” he added. You will succeed, Nicholas, you will succeed.

This story takes place in a context of intense political polarization and the prelude to a new electoral contest, while the regime consolidates itself in power through repressive measures with the arrest of the leader of the Vente de Venezuela party.

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Aygen Marsh

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