Man rescued by skier from buried under snow speaks: “I thought I was going to die”

Man rescued by skier from buried under snow speaks: “I thought I was going to die”

A skier and snowboarder in Washington state provided details of the dramatic moment Skier He was miraculously rescued from being buried under the snow.

A video shows the tragic moment a skier quickly pulls the man’s face out so the rest of his body can be pulled out of the snow.

Francis Zuber is the hero who saved Ian Steiger. “I caught a little red flash out of the corner of my eye,” Zuber said.

I know it’s a rare thing to see because we’re off limits. I knew something was wrong. I yelled at him and you know he didn’t respond.

For his part, Steiger said he could only hear his own breathing and Zuber said nothing when he approached him.

The rescuer was Ian Steiger

“You can see in the video that Francis asked me if I was OK,” Steiger said. “He let me know he was coming to me. I didn’t hear anything. It was completely dark. I could only hear the sound of my breathing.

Steiger admits he had horrible thoughts, unsure if he would make it out of the snow alive. But Zuber felt absolutely grateful to have found it.

“One thing I thought about when I was there, Wow, I’m going to die right here, I can’t, I can’t tell my fiancee how much I love her.Steiger said.

Experts point out that because it was impossible to get out alone under the snow, Steiger would have died safely had he not been found.

Snowboard standing in the snow

You can see when in the video Zuber stopped suddenly when he noticed a table Skiing It barely sticks out of the snow.

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Zuber quickly kicks off his skis and begins to fervently dig Steiger out from under the snow.

“Wait, I’m coming,” Zuber says, digging until he finally reaches the man’s head.

are you ok Do you hear me?”Zubar asks. At first there was no response. But Zuber kept digging, and then you could see Steiger start moving his arm.

Zuber continued to brush ice off Steiger’s face until he caught his breath.

“Well, you’re fine, I’ve got you,” Zubar said. “Well, we’re both going to take a breather for a second, and then I’m going to get my shovel out.”.

Steiger thanks Zuber for saving him.

“Yeah, no problem,” Zuber replied.

Finally, Zuber pulls out the emergency shovel and begins to dig it out.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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