Mayor Roberto Deobison accepts the defeat of the Mayor of Santa Tecla

Mayor Roberto Deobison accepts the defeat of the Mayor of Santa Tecla

The incumbent mayor has a defect of 8,598 votes before the New Ideas Candidate

The current mayor of Santa Tecla, Roberto Deobison, accepts defeat before the Edilicia Chair election. The city lost to elected mayor Henry Flores of New Ideas.

With a total of 83% of the counting lists and a collective vote of 30,317 votes in favor of the mayor candidate for New Ideas, the current mayor of Tecleña is losing the chair of the building in which he served two terms as president of the Nueva San Rescue Department.

We have left a trail in Santa Tecla. We left the safest city in the country, with a modernized garbage collection system, and have built better streets, better parks and many positive actions. And most importantly, we present a far greater municipal legacy than we found, clear evidence of Our transparency, “the mayor said, through his Facebook account.

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With 21,719 votes in favor of ARENA, Roberto Deobison, the incumbent mayor will remain within the Municipal Council of the Mayor of Santa Tecla, who has stated that he will continue to work on municipal projects for Tecleños.

“Here we continue with our heads raised. The party vote in the municipal elections doubled the votes of the Legislative Assembly, which means that Tecleños has endorsed my nomination proposals. In addition, the results of the 28F confirm the victory of fashion and fashion is disappearing. We understand that we are not facing a candidate, but rather a trend that is not Not only local, but also patriotic.Thank you, Tecleños, for the trust you have given us during these six years, ”D’Aubuisson’s words were.

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The current mayor admitted his defeat in exchange for 8,598 votes before the mayoral candidate for new ideas.

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Aygen Marsh

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