Measures taken by the government to curb Haitian immigration

Measures taken by the government to curb Haitian immigration

The Dominican Republic is taking steps to reduce immigration from haiti, At a time when this country is suffering from a crisis of insecurity and political instability.

Decisions were not taken at once, but were announced with the development of the situation in Haiti and the failure of the international community to respond to the appeal made by the Dominican Republic.

“RD will continue the announced plan with stricter immigration procedures”The President of the Republic, Louis Abenader, warned while calling on powers such as the United States, France, Canada and the European Union to act “urgently” in Haiti.


National Council for Migration (CNM) Scholarships at the end of September Within three months For companies and employers to organize their foreign workers.

The Haitian workforce concentrates its main share of workers in the agricultural and construction sectors, according to the Second National Survey of Migrants (ENI-2017).

CNM also warned companies that 80% of their employees must be Dominicans and the rest foreign, as outlined in the labor law.

Similarly, foreign women were banned from entering the country after six months of pregnancy, as this was an “unreasonable burden on public finances”.

The suspension of the Special Haitian Student Visa Program adds to the list. It is a project that started in May this year after free magazine reveal That despite the fact that Haitian students represent the highest percentage of foreign students, they are the ones who get the least student visa.

Luis Abenader explained that this measure was taken for security reasons to verify the granting of visas and to prevent the gang members from leaking. Additionally, he said the renewal will not be automatic.

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More recent procedures include a review of the National Settlement Plan to determine whether the individuals covered are eligible. More than 200,000 foreigners have been registered, the majority of whom are Haitians.

The National Migration Board will establish 38 offices throughout the national territory to identify all aliens.

It has also limited, only to emergency cases, access to public hospitals across the country for illegal immigrants.

Thousands of men at the border

The Commander-in-Chief of the Dominican Army, Major General Julio Ernesto Florian Pérez, announced that more than 12,000 men were spread across the border, from Montecristi to Pedernales.

Yesterday, Friday, the National Security and Defense Council activated the dirt operation for the second time, which ordered the strengthening of security at the land, air and sea borders.

Elite units will reinforce patrols at strategic points, and teams from all military branches and troops from specialized tactical units have been deployed.

Aygen Marsh

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