NASA is about to release an ‘amazing new discovery’ about the moon

NASA is about to release an ‘amazing new discovery’ about the moon

Forward Of NASA Return நிலா In 2024, the space agency mocks an “amazing new discovery” about the celestial satellite.

According to a source close to the situation, the findings will be announced to EST at noon on Monday, which is expected to “inform” the company’s Artemis project work.

“This new discovery contributes to NASA ‘s efforts to learn about the moon in support of in-depth space exploration,” NASA said in a statement. Report.

NASA has a plan to fly the annual Artemis Moon from 2030 onwards. The first one will be able to fly in 2021.

The announcement was made by NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (Sofia), which has been described as “the world’s largest aerospace laboratory”.

The Sofia is a modified Boeing 747 aircraft that can fly high in the Earth’s atmosphere, with its 9-foot telescope “allowing a clear view of the universe and objects in our solar system”. It is able to track infrared wavelengths that detect “invisible phenomena with visible light”.

NASA’s Artemis project aims to land U.S. astronauts on the moon by 2024 and establish a stable human existence.

In 2019, NASA released details of its vision Artemis நிலா Lander to return American astronauts to lunar surface. Artemis will make history by landing the first woman on the moon.

The initial mission for 2024 involves landing two astronauts at the Moon’s South Pole. NASA says astronauts will live for six and a half days and work outside the lander.

After Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Bus Aldrin set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, only 10 more men, all Americans, walked on the lunar surface. The last NASA astronaut to land on the moon was Apollo 17 Mission Commander Jean Chernen on December 14, 1972.

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James Rogers of Fox News contributed to this story.

Arzu Daniel

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