New conflict between Maribili and Aleska in LCDLF | Television

New conflict between Maribili and Aleska in LCDLF |  Television

A few days before the finale of the fourth season of La Casa de los Famosos (Telemundo), Puerto Rican model Maribili Rivera starred in a new confrontation with Venezuelan Aleska Genesis.

According to several videos circulating on social networks captured on the 24/7 reality show, the fight started over butter.

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Also, according to the Puerto Rican businessman, Aleska was looking for the refrigerator section assigned to her, Rodrigo Rome, Geraldine Bazan and Alana Literas.

All of these celebrities continue to compete with Lubillo Rivera for the $200,000 grand prize. Also second place will be awarded $100,000 and third place will be awarded $50,000.

Today, the sixth finalist of the competition will be announced. The seventh Mexican, Paulo Quivedo, left home last Thursday.

Cristian Estrada, Leslie Gallardo, Fernando Lozada, Mariana Gonzalez, Sophie Durant, “La Pepeshita”, Robbie Mora, Kuti Carrera, Alfredo Adam, La Bronca, Serrat, Ariadna Gutierrez, Clovis Ninov, Ladriza Mernov, Laurisna Corsino, and La Perissa Porta. were expelled. Lacking a majority vote of the audience. While Tali Garcia was disqualified for leaving the show, Gregorio Bernia and La Divasa reached an agreement with the production to leave the house and Carlos Gomez was evicted for assault.

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The final of the competition will be held tomorrow, Monday 20th May.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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