Nicolas Maduro invented that there was a conspiracy against the canonization of José Gregorio Hernandez

Nicolas Maduro invented that there was a conspiracy against the canonization of José Gregorio Hernandez

Nicolas Maduro. Image courtesy

Nicolas Maduro denounced on Sunday that “some leaders” – without specifying which ones – are conspiring against the canonization of Jose Gregorio Hernandez, known in Venezuela as the “Doctor of the Poor” and to whom many miracles are attributed in South America.

Maduro said during an event held in Caracas: “Some leaders conspired so that he would not receive the title. We all know who are the leaders who conspired so that Jose Gregorio would not receive the title of saint in the Vatican for a long time.” It is broadcast by the state channel VTV.

But he continued: “Fortunately, Pope Francis loves Jose Gregorio and supports the people of Venezuela.”

The Chavista spokesman added: “I know, I know, I know much more than I can say, but out of the wisdom of the Vatican, I must remain silent.”

Nicolas Maduro in the streets of Esnoto, Trujillo State, with the character José Gregorio Hernandez. Photo: Courtesy/Archive

On June 3, Maduro said that Pope Francis had approved Hernandez's canonization, “unofficial” information that Venezuelans had asked to wait for the Vatican to “make official,” but he claimed to have a video confirming this news, although he did not do so. Then give details about it.

Recently, “in the face of unfounded rumors” circulating on social networks, the Diocese of Caracas issued a statement denying “all information indicating that the canonization had already been announced” for the doctor, who lived between 1864 and 1919, when he was murdered. With a car, one of the first vehicles to spread in Caracas.

The Venezuelan Church, which promotes the canonization of the blessed, insisted that it would transmit the news of the canonization when the Vatican confirms this information.

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Hernandez was beatified in April 2021, in a ceremony in Caracas, after which confirmation of a second miracle attributed to him was awaited to move forward with his canonization.

With information from EFE

Aygen Marsh

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