Nuevitas Thermal Power Plant goes out of service and forces outages at the beginning of the week

Nuevitas Thermal Power Plant goes out of service and forces outages at the beginning of the week

After the state-owned company Unión Eléctrica (UNE) reported the entry into service of several generating units that had failed, at the end of last week, Monday’s Termoeléctrica Diez de Octubre from Nuevitas decommissioned in the morning.causing an increase in power outages throughout Cuba.

Good With the journalist from the official Radio Rebelde, José Miguel Solís, who did not provide details of Damage to the plant in Camaguey and its out of order DAF (frequency automatic trip or frequency automatic dump) caused it It destabilized the national electrical systemAs happened at the beginning of the year, when fluctuations in the electricity supply led to massive blackouts in several Cuban provinces.

UNE projected for today a generational shortfall of only 125 MWbecause, according to Official noteTo “lack of fuel availability for distributed generation”, which also prevented the start-up of generator sets and boats leased from the Turkish Karadeniz Company, with which power production balances daily, especially at peak times.

This situation comes after the authority did not report a power outage due to a deficit in the generation capacity on Sunday. However, on that day, the official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso indicated in his message Facebook wall Only 140 electrical failures occurred in Pinar del Rio, according to the regional electric company, due to the rains that occurred there.

UNE pointed it out Unit 2 of the Filton thermoelectric plant is out of service due to a malfunction, while Unit 5 at Mariel and Unit 6 at Renty are under maintenance.

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According to that note, There are three distributed generating stations which are not available due to fuel shortage (14 MW) and six engines in the Turkish Batana mobile generation connected to the Melons Substation (90 MW), in Havana Bay.

In addition, With little fuel there are 22 generating stations distributed (181 MW).

For peak hour there will be, according to the state entity, an availability of 2,935 MW and a maximum demand of 3,000 MW, for a deficit of 135 MW at night peak, which will exceed 200 MW with the fault in Novitas.

Despite the promises of the Cuban authorities to create conditions to avoid long and continuous blackouts in the summer of 2022, Since last week, new malfunctions at power plants, as well as fuel shortages, have complicated the situation. In several counties, people reported up to two power outages a day lasting six hours or more.

Aygen Marsh

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