Pablo Ulloa, the new ombudsman

Pablo Ulloa, the new ombudsman

Yesterday the Senate elected Pablo Ulloa as an ombudsman, calling for an administration based on the separation and limitation of public powers, as well as on the effective protection of the fundamental rights of the people.

Olua, who replaced Zoila Martinez in these positions, was elected after a committee of lawmakers tasked with interviewing candidates for the position was recommended to the Senate of the National Congress.

The new Ombudsman also promised to make this institution accessible, efficient, independent and transparent.

To this end, he developed a consensus strategic plan that unites the various sectors to improve the quality of public administration, as well as a management plan, the “defender judge”.

The election of Ulloa collided with a dissenting report from Senator Pedernales, Diones Sanchez, spokesperson for the Popular Force, which was signed by Antonio Martí, of Santiago Rodriguez, and Virgilio Sedano, of La Altagracia. Who suggested the leaders of the organization, Henry Miran.

However, the plenum of senators rejected the dissenting report, to 17 votes. On the other hand, the report submitted by Senator Ricardo de los Santos, Chairman of the Special Committee in charge of studying the Ombudsman’s shortlist, which proposed Ulloa as head of this institution, was approved by 22 votes.

People’s Power Protest
An annoyed Sanchez lawmaker told reporters that all the committee members understood that the best candidate for the job was Miran and they still decided to vote for Ulloa.

“We do not agree with the process, with the selection and leaving the best candidate alone, all the members of the said committee said that he was the best candidate, because of his political work,” he criticized.

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While asked if there is an agreement between the Party of the Modern Revolution (PRM) and the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), regarding the election of Ulloa, he said he did not know of its existence.

The competition for the position of Ombudsman was carried out by Ulloa, who received the best score in the assessment of the House of Representatives; Fidel Santana, an ally of the prime minister’s party who resigned from his party, the Broad Front, to submit his candidacy, and Miran, from Forza del Pueblo, the party of former President Lionel Fernandez.

Ulloa will be accompanied in positions by Roberto Carlos Queiroz Canela, the first substitute. Miguel Antonio Boelo, second alternate; Ana Leticia Martić Mateo, 1st deputy and Dario Antonio Nin, 2nd deputy.

Initially, after months of evaluating more than 90 applicants, the House Designated Committee to Select Ombudsman Applicants, sent to the Senate six shortlists made up of nominees for Ombudsman, two alternates and three annexes.

However, the Senate returned the shortlists to the House of Representatives, arguing that the deputies had committed omissions in the law, and that only a maximum of two deputies were allowed.

Representatives agreed to the recommendation, shortened the shortlist to five, and referred it to candidates subsequently interviewed by the Senate Special Committee.

May 2013

Ombudsman Zoila Martinez has held this position since May 2013, for a period of six years, which is why she has expired in the position for more than two years and has repeatedly asked to be replaced.

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June 11
Only today has the 30-day period the Constitution gives the Senate to choose from short lists sent by the House of Representatives has been fulfilled.

June 14
Pablo Ulloa, who will be sworn in next Monday, June 14, is the second person to hold the position, after it was created in 2013.

Aygen Marsh

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