Pierluisi maintains business closure from midnight

Pierluisi maintains business closure from midnight

Governor Pedro Pierlucci made the announcement Monday afternoon Current Executive Order 2021-065 Extension Until then Thursday, October 14th As a measure to combat COVID-19 infection.

The extension of this order is attached to the administrative order of the Secretary of the Department of Health, Carlos Mellado, No Prohibits children under the age of 12 from participating in mass events.

“Vaccination and the measures we have taken to date have contributed to the reduction in numbers on many lines. However, the numbers are still high, so the government needs to continue to take measures to control epidemics and protect the lives of all citizens; moreover, to ensure that our students continue to attend their classes and protect our economy. That fact must be taken into account. “

OE 2021-065 maintains closing companies 12:00 to 5:00 Serving the public and in any private activity such as business or sales purposes, consumer services, sports, entertainment or recreation.

We recommend you:

Private activities and other essential services that do not serve the public are exempt from this schedule.

The ban is in effect during the curfew and covers both public and private events.

On the other hand, the use of the mask should be attended by 50 or more people in closed and open spaces.

In the case of maritime vessels, the EO continues to prohibit the towing or towing of multiple vessels. It also prohibits anchoring on beaches, keys and islands below 100 feet from the shore, except for the use of mooring boys.

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The chief executive said, “We must all be vigilant and take appropriate precautionary measures to protect ourselves and our own. Vaccination is the first step in protection against this epidemic, so we continue to advise all those who are not vaccinated and have the opportunity to make decisions for their benefit and for the benefit of Puerto Rico.”

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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