Pirata de Los Lagos won the National Basketball League Final, Men’s Under-17 category; Florista Guayas takes third place | Other sports | Sports

Pirata de Los Lagos won the National Basketball League Final, Men’s Under-17 category;  Florista Guayas takes third place |  Other sports |  Sports

Empapurian’s representation got 20 points ahead of Ambato Soldiers to win the title.

A quintet surprised Pirata de los Lagos, from Imbabura, in the final of the National Basketball League, men’s under-17 category, by defeating Ambato Soldiers, from Tungurahua, 77-57.

The Imbaboran team led by Bale Kano lost the first quarter 10-12. A mistake in the Pirates’ shot allowed Ampatenos to maintain the advantage in the second half and enter the break with 4 points with a 19-23 victory.

At 5 minutes 39 seconds to the end of the third ring, the last time Ampatenos took the lead 30-32, because the duel after that was tied 32-32, at 5 minutes 4 seconds, it was the imbaburan team that took the lead and in the rest of the third quarter Put the scoreboard 51-40 in their favour.

Then, at the start of the match, Janer Arquilla Castillo attempted a three-point shot, but failed; It was Emerson Opedia who increased by two points. This line was followed by Francisco Argoti, who set the score 55-40 and then with a shot from outside the area made the score rise 58-42, when before Paul Ceventa had contributed two points to Ampatinhos.

Carlos Maldonado, Argoti, Carlos Maldonado, Obedia, Dani Caicedo, Becker Enriquez and Jordi Silva reached 77-57 points to win, which means clinching the national title.


Janer Arcila, with 23 points – 8 of which are from two-point baskets, 9 from three three-pointers and 6 from free throws – became the best of the champions. He had 5 assists, attempted 12 2-point shots and 7 3-point shots.

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Together with Arquilla, they contributed to the Empaporinhos title of Carlos Maldonado, with 15 points. Francisco Arguti, 11 years old; Danny Caicedo, 10; Emerson Opedia, 9; Rommel Cephalus, 4; and Baker Enriquez, 2.

Carlos Hurtado (51), of Ambato Soldiers, battles the ball with Romel Cefalos, of Pirata de los Lagos; While watching Janer Alcívar (11), Dany Caicedo (22) and Carlos Maldonado (13). Photo: Jose Beltran

On the other hand, for the team of the vice-champion of the competition, Geovanny Filian Ríos (13), Paúl Silvinta, 12; Juan Cepeda, 10; Carlos Hurtado, 8; Tyler Quintero, 8; Anthony Mendetta, 6.

Floresta Guayas III

And in the dispute for third place in the tournament, Floresta Guayas, as the first loser, played this place with Monster of Pichincha, and avenged the defeat he suffered in the first stage of the final competition.

In the second match, the quintet of Guayaquil led by Argentine Miguel Salvetelli improved their goal and advanced with three points by winning 68-51 and winning the bronze medal.

They contributed 16 points to Floresta Guayas’ victory by Alan Benalcazar. Christian Alboga, 10; Japhet Valencia, 9; Andres Valarizo, 7; Franklin Ruiz, 7; Valentine Gonzalez, 6; Diego Moran, 5 years old; Bruno Valero 4; Jose Gaviño, 2; and Paulo Salazar 2.

Meanwhile, for Team Pichincha, they converted Kenny Riccaldi, 22; Abel Diaz, 8; Dennis Gonzalez, 4; Jaime Ordonez, 4; Diego Soto, 3 years old; Kevin Morello, 3; Michael Tinoco 3; Josué Ponce, 2, Andrés León, 2. (Dr)

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