Prizes, where to see and memorable ads

Prizes, where to see and memorable ads

(CNN Español) – The Christmas lottery is one of the most anticipated random events by Spaniards every year. It takes place every December 22nd, so the 2021 edition will take place on Wednesday.

We’re only a few hours away from getting it done, so we leave you here with everything you need to know.

Since when is the Christmas lottery celebrated?

It is one of the greatest events of Christmas in Spain because it takes place Since 1812.

other names

Mostly known as the Christmas lottery, but it also goes by the name of the Extraordinary Christmas Draw and is also called “El Gordo”, the latter referring to the jackpot in a drawing.

Where is it happening and where will I be able to see it from afar?

The Christmas lottery is held at Teatro Real Madrid. Unlike the 2020 edition, this year there will be face-to-face assistance in the theater, though Strict health measures due to Covid-19, which range from contact tracing to prohibiting moving, eating and removing the mask inside the case, according to Radio Televisión Española (RTVE).

For those people who want Watch the draw from a distanceThere are several options:

The start time of the lottery is 9:00 am (local time); However, the broadcast will begin at 8:25 AM.

How many prizes are awarded and how do I know I won?

According to RTVE, the 2021 edition of the Christmas lottery will deliver a total of 2,408 million euros in prizes.

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El Gordo will award 4,000,000 euros per series i.e. 400,000 euros up to the 10th, while the second prize winner will receive 1,250,000 euros per series (125,000 euros up to the 10th). Third prize is 50,000 euros To the tenth, the two rooms cost 20 thousand euros and the eight-fifths with 6000 euros for the tenth,” according to RTVE.

“La Pedrea”, famous for the “miiiil eurossss” voice in which Niños del San Ildefonso sings, is handing out 1,794 prizes worth €1,000 for the series (€100 for the tenth). And the numbers before and after the jackpot also have a prize, with 20,000 euros for the second prize 12,500 euros and for the third prize 9,600 euros.”

If you want to check a table with all the prizes, You can click here To see the breakdown of each.

To see if you are one of the winners, click here And once you are on the site, you just have to type in your number. This search engine will also tell you if you have collected other prizes and the total amount you have won.

number, ten, banknote, series

For people who are not from Spain or who have never been to this giveaway, it can be a little confusing to understand the terms used in the giveaway, so here’s a summary:

  • People who participate in the Christmas lottery can choose Number Ranging from 00000 to 99999
  • One a ticket It has 10 times the same number and is priced at 200 euros; All those times are called The tenthIt is a tenth of the ticket and can be bought for 20 euros
  • The sequence of each of the banknotes is carried out in a different way. In total, there are 172 series per ticket (so we can say a ticket is equal to a different string)
  • That is, if each banknote has the same number 10 times but there are 172 different versions (strings) of that banknote, then we have 1720 tenths available for purchase with the same number, but every 172 tenths the series changes
  • In simpler words, there are 172 different versions (string) for each of the 100,000 numbers available to choose from (from 00000 to 99999)
  • So, in total, the Christmas lottery offers 172 million tickets for sale
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So, for example, if 4,000,000 euros are handed out for each series in “El Gordo”, and if each series of the ticket contains 10 tenths, then the 10th winner will receive 400,000 euros (regardless of the series). Now imagine that you bought the whole ticket with the same number ten times (one series): in this case you will get 4,000,000 euros.

The most emotional ads for the Christmas lottery

One of the most remarkable things about the giveaway is its annual announcement. In the 2021 edition, the ad title was “We share luck with those we share life.”

According to RTVE, the aforementioned declaration represents “two core values: solidarity and generosity.” In this commercial, the townspeople perform a “chain of tenths”: they give the tithe as a surprise to members of their community.

Do you remember that there are 1720 parts of the same number (divided into 172 banknotes of 172 different series)? What if everyone in the city had the same winning number? That’s right: utter joy, as seen in the ad.

just like this, There are other memorable announcements of the Christmas lottery. RTVE has made a list of them and you can see them one by one by clicking here.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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