Rocks brought back to Earth from Mars may cause “Mars plague”.

Rocks brought back to Earth from Mars may cause “Mars plague”.

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover is the largest, heaviest, and most advanced vehicle sent to the Red Planet (via REUTERS)

The 43 metal tubes stored in the stomach of NASA’s diligent rover are designed to carry the first prototypes from Mars to Earth.

Written by Daily Star

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NASA’s Director of Planetary Science Lori Classe says: “We hope that models from Mars will provide new insights for decades to come as we study them with sophisticated laboratory equipment that cannot be brought to Mars. Now.

While many researchers consider the opportunity to analyze rocks from the surface of Mars to be the greatest advancement in science, some have expressed their fears that the microscopic life forms coming from the Red Planet could cause a deadly epidemic that is not enough to deal with humanity.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICAMSR), a small group of scientists, has issued a warning against possible model return missions.

Barry Tigricorio, team leader, says any sample should only be brought to the moon, where any pathogens can be identified and isolated.

Diligent collection samples are planned to be collected by a project launched in 2026.
Diligent collection samples are planned to be collected through a mission to be launched in 2026 (Figure: AFP).

He says samples from Mars should be analyzed at the proposed lunar gate space station, where we can analyze at a safe distance without the risk of releasing an immunocompromised alien infection.

“This is the only way to ensure 100% security of the Earth’s biosphere,” says Tigricorio.

Famous astronomer Carl Sagan, who wrote in 1973, quoted: “Mars has a vast potential biological environment, and there are pathogens and organisms on Mars that can cause enormous biological damage if they are carried into the Earth’s environment. “A Mars Plague”.

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The current plan is to collect sample tubes of perseverance in a mission to begin in 2026. “Perseverance is the first stage of the first round trip to another planet,” said Wanda Peters of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.

Inactive specimens in the Utah desert will be shot toward Earth within ten years. But even if the return pot is designed to withstand massive impact, things can go wrong.

In 2004, the return of NASA’s Genesis study was designed to collect samples of sun’s air particles and format them back to Earth for analysis when it crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute failed to open.

But there may be an alternative: “Leaving orbit samples in a stable orbit around Mars is one of the many possible alternative strategies since the launch of samples from the surface of Mars,” the European Space Agency report said.

“The return of virgin specimens from Mars to Earth has been a goal for many generations of planetary scientists,” says NASA.

But Dr. Gilbert Levine, an engineer who investigated NASA’s Viking landing mission, said: “Even if a safe Mars model return container is made and brought to Earth, there is a good probability Part of the model is leaking From the ‘safe’ laboratory where the container is opened. “

The Told the Daily Star He said there was a “real chance” of microbes on the Red Planet, and that bringing these tiny creatures to Earth could cause a catastrophic epidemic.

Arzu Daniel

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