San Francisco police stop a taxi without people

San Francisco police stop a taxi without people

Image of the article titled San Francisco police stop a self-driving taxi without anyone in it.  The taxi starts and leaves

screenshot: Twitter

It doesn’t make it to a sci-fi movie scene nor is it as serious as it might seem at first glance, but it’s still a moment that can be repeated more and more. The Date It happened in San Francisco, when police stopped a Chevy Bolt that GM Cruise had converted into a self-driving car.

to me Instagram account Where the clip first appeared, it happened in the Richmond area of ​​San Francisco last week. There, GM Cruise vehicles operate autonomously at night, allowing employees to move around town. And while all the tests so far have been considered successes, we also see unexpected events pop up.

Cruise was joined by Google’s Waymo driverless cars in San Francisco, and in an unexpected turn of events, the car “started and sped off the scene”… to a safe stop. Yes, as we can see in the clip, the taxi doesn’t seem very clear that the place the police forced it to stop is the best place, so it starts to stop after the traffic light where it was initially stopped.

In the video below, we see Cruz discuss how the vehicles interact with police and emergency vehicles:

Here’s an update from Cruise on the clip that went viral:

Como explica la compañía, el vehículo actuó de forma correcta a como lo habían configurado, es decir, buscando siempre el mejor lugar en el que permanecer estacionado sin obstaculizar el tráfico. De ahí que se moviera tras el alto el paso de la policía. Por cierto, parece ser que las autoridades lo habían detenido por un tema de luces defectuosas. [ Electrek]

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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