Sivas officially formalizes the dismissal of Orif Perralda

Sivas officially formalizes the dismissal of Orif Perralda

Through their social networks, the herd thanked ‘Cepillo’ who is no longer on the group; Scored two goals in 37 games

Sivas Departed Orip PeraltaTwo-and-a-half years later, the attacker’s second stage lasted with the Guadalajara team. Guadalajara fired Cepillo in a statement in which they portrayed him as a historic Mexican footballer, and if he decides to return in the future, Rojiblanca will open the doors for him.

“We want you to be better in your own way and in everything you decide to do. Thanks @OribePeralta! He wrote Sivas On their social networks.

“Thanks to his extensive career and his daily work that has spread to new generations of Rojiblancas who have had the opportunity to share training sessions, concentrations, trips and games with Cepilo, he has been a role model for many. In Club Deportivo Guadalajara, there are only words to thank our country’s historic striker.” The report reads, which concludes with a call for the footballer to return in the future.

“Oribe is in the process of defining its next professional challenges, doors should be aware of Sivas If he decides, they will be open to the future. “

First contact between Sivas And Orip Peralta This happened during the 2005 Copa Libertadores, during which time the striker played for Monteri, but strengthened Guadalajara in the Continental tournament, in which he took part in three duties.

After being hired for Apertura 2019, Oribe returned to wear the colors of Guadalajara 15 years later. However, ‘Cepillo’, now 37, has failed to get a regular place in the Guadalajara line-ups.

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In this second phase, Orip Peralta He played in only 37 matches, of which 33 MX League And four from Copa MX, in which he scored just two goals in addition to three assists.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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