Sol y Playa Condominium apartments will challenge the construction of their swimming pool

Sol y Playa Condominium apartments will challenge the construction of their swimming pool

The Board of Directors of Sol y Playa Condominium announced, today, Wednesday, that it will challenge Shell’s determination to build a swimming pool a few meters from El Mendros Beach in Rincon.

The authority confirmed, through a statement, that it will go to the corresponding forums to reverse the decision.

“We have not even had the opportunity for due process of law to prove the legality of our permits. Also, It is paradoxical that the Planning Board itself, with the voice of its legal advisor, decides that it wants to request the revocation of one of the permits which it recognizes as validRead the written statements issued by the Board.

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He added, “We reaffirm that obtaining a permit for the reconstruction of the area follows all applicable law and regulations standards, as approved by the Citizenship and Reform Department and the Permit Office.”

This morning, the Planning Council (JP) made a decision Which paralyzes construction work in the offshore and onshore area because the permit obtained for the construction was granted in an “extreme manner”.

The document, signed by the appointed president of JP, Picture of Manuel Hidalgo Rivera, warns that any limb affected by discontinuation has 20 days to request reconsideration of the body.

The controversy began in early July, when several demonstrations were held to denounce the acquisition of permits from the apartment complex.

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At first, Machargo Maldonado ordered to stop construction and refrain from building, which was ordered by the residents of the Sole Playa complex, but hours later Edit document To reflect that the matter was limited to the area that was outside the place to be closed.

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Aygen Marsh

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